Work – A Life Sentence

Do these statements sound familiar to you?

I have to work hard to get ahead
I have to use the “sweat of my brow” to make money
I am part of the “labor market”
I need to moonlight to meet my monthly obligations
I work to live
It’s a living

I have to save and plan for retirement
I HAVE to go to work today so I can pay my bills

If you have said, thought or felt any of these ways, you have given away your power to anything but “living”.  Think of these comments coming from an inmate at Rikers Island Prison.

Working hard, brow sweating, labor, extra duties HAVE to, planning for release, YUCK!

It’s no wonder you feel frustrated, resentful and tired.  You are also cutting off the creative flow of money energy like kinking a garden hose.  There is no way you will ever change your life from indigence to affluence until you alter these unconscious prison-like thoughts.

As long as your thoughts revolve around I HAVE to go to work to get a paycheck, you will continually create hidden frustrations.  Patterns begin to develop of sloppy work, product and services, fudging on time, taking a mental day off, anything you can get away with to do the minimum to get your time for dollars agreed upon price.

Kahil Gibran says it so beautifully:

“If you cannot work with love but only with distaste, then you should quit your job and go sit at the Temple and beg alms from those who work with joy”

Whether you work a J.O.B. or have your own business the same strategies apply:

Happy People Make More Money – Happiness is a choice.  Even when the rug feels like it has been pulled out from under you, your work life is in a shambles or you are having the melt down de joire, you can succumb to the overwhelm or focus on the good in the situation.  Research has shown that happy people indeed are more prosperous and abundant than unhappy people.  Even if you have little money the happier you are the more likely opportunities show up in the most unexpected ways.  The simple act of gratitude transports you to a place of happiness which in turn leads to the ultimate “prison break-out” from your life sentence of “work”.

Your Cell Mates Dictate Your Release Date – It is a documented fact that you are “who you hang out with”.  “If you hang out with chickens, you’re going to cluck and if you hang out with eagles, you’re going to fly” – Steve Maraboli.  Even in prison you can find eagles.  Surrounding yourself with happy, positive people who share the values and goals you are aiming for will get you to there sooner and with less effort.  Find a mentor who gives you a hand up instead of a hand out to achieve your success and create that wealth and abundance you so richly deserve.    As you “hang out” with others who have this mind set your “life sentence” will be commuted to time served.

Do What You Love – Statistics don’t lie.  Some report as high as 80% of people dislike their jobs!  That’s just crazy!  Do what you love and the money will follow.  If you love doing something you are probably already good at it.  You are being authentic; you wake up in the morning wanting to dive in, your passion fuels you and life is in Technicolor.  This energy is automatically a Money Magnet.   If you were to spend your life in prison, would you rather do what you love or something you hate.  Decide today that no matter what prison you have created for yourself you will find time to do what you love.  You will be surprised to see the money that magnetizes to you as a result.

Are you working for a living or living your dream?

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