Love, Texting and Connection

Sipping my first cup of morning coffee, chomping down a sugary snack of Channel 5’s cast They feel like your friends in the living room, the sugar rush I know they will always deliver, came through big time.

A rather shocking study via something called Voucher Cloud, found that, among 2,712 men and women age 18-30 the NO.1 BREAKING UP METHOD was … via text message.  This is how the results fell into place.Caribbean

25%  Text

20%  Social Media

18% Face to Face

15 Phone Call

11 Email

eeegjgjgjjjjhhhhh is it just me, or is that all … messed up?

“I know we live in a warped “future is now” era in which nobody bothers to open their mouths to emit actual sounds at each other — we prefer to do it all, EVERYTHING, via little screens. But still! We’re talking about breakups here — love and war and the soul-pummeling death of real-world entanglements!I wonder sometimes if we have so disconnected from others through technology we have replaced vulnerability and intimacy with a virtual world of our design. “

Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

The thought for today is HARMONY.  The basis of the word is to be of one heart.  It is difficult to be of one heart when you are blaming another for anything.  This includes gossip, criticizing, scolding, rebuking, condemning yourself or anyone else.  As Brene Brown says “if blame is driving, shame is riding shotgun”.  Blame in whatever form, has it roots in anger, hurt, grief, pain and shame.

It is only when you connect from your heart to another’s heart that harmony flourishes.  When you recognize the common nature that you have with every other person you are able to honor this nature in yourself and those around you.  Being in harmony with your surroundings, people, places and things will allow peace to flourish.  When you have a vision for your life and for humanity you strive for “the greatest good for the greatest number of people.”

Choosing NOT to engage in any form of blame today contributes to harmony.  Choosing to see the good in others rather than finding fault leads to peaceful relationships.  Look for the good in yourself and in others rather than finding fault. By making these choices, you are contributing to a culture of peace, compassion and abundance.

Today choose to see the good in others instead of finding fault. Spend the entire day without criticizing anything or anyone; if you are tempted to criticize, write down the criticism rather than speaking it, then later discover where the criticism is coming from within you.

Think About It

How do you know when things are in harmony?

 Take Action

Decide on three areas of your life that could be more harmonious.  What steps are you willing to take to be an agent of more harmonious interactions in those areas.

Major Do:  Ask yourself constantly, “How am I seeing the commonality” in others.

Major Don’t:

Don’t justify your feelings with a “I’m right and you’re wrong”.  This plugs up the flow of higher energies to all other areas of your life.

Words to Live by:

 Harmony is a beautiful balance between mind, body and soul measured in tender peaceful moments. – Melanie Koulouris





Struggling over a Help the Newbies or List Post while creating an Inspirational Thought for the day on Mindfulness I forgot what an amazing day I was having. Practicing Mindfulness is difficult when I am stressing over the manual labor of writing a How to for Dummies.  I need one right now on how to Play!

Thirsty for a respit of relief, I reminded myself of the other portions of this Blog Challenge was to comment on other posts.  Yeah!  I could distract myself for a while and accomplish part of my commitment.

I found this amazing video on happiness Amanda Gore.

It took me a few more head banging moments, but the ah ha came with a gong You are not Playing!

Playing is so essential to our happiness experience as well as our well being.

I’m off to play, how ‘about you?


Space Mountain and Life Changes

space mountainI was a little taken aback by my client’s vivid description of the changes she has experienced in the past few weeks. “Working together has been like Space Mountain”, she excitedly shared as our session came to a close.   Explain more I said.

“Well you know how the ride is dark at first, you go through a dark tunnel, then you start to lift into the mountain, there’s a disorienting spinning sensation, slowly building as you lift, then the ride begins and it’s fast.  My life has changed so quickly it’s like Space Mountain”.

I had never heard it put quite like that before, and yet it seems to be the truth of how you can experience anything your heart desires if only you are willing to buy a ticket for the ride.

All too often I hear change is difficult, takes time and can’t happen for me.  The truth is all change can occur in a Holy Instant or take as long as you believe it needs to.  Simply opening to the possibility that change can be quick and painless are the building blocks to creating the experience.

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” ― Napoleon Hill

The thought for today is BELIEVING.  Believing has gotten a bad rap during especially in the positive thinking being too Pollyannaish or Kumbayahish, yet Medical Research continuously supports its huge impact on our lives.  The more deeply you believe the more completely your results.  Believe your Fixed Mindset and the voice says you can’t do it.  Listen to your Growth Mindset and it says “I can’t do it YET!”  Great You Tube Video on the Power of Belief

Today believe that you have all the resources to move your life in the direction of abundance, peace and joy.  Be aware of the simple, abundant, peaceful, joyful things you receive.

Desire to Improve

Embrace challenges

Persist in the face of set backs

Discover yourself

Think About It

What are some limiting or empowering beliefs you have about yourself?

Take Action

List the beliefs you carry that impact your life.  Did you learn them from your family, friends, culture or religion?

Major Do:  Believe you can have it all!

Major Don’t:  Don’t ever say you can’t.






The Oscars, Smiling and Abundance

baby smilingWatching Pharrell Williams perform Happy on the Oscars, you can’t help but smile.  As he engaged the audience with stars like Amy Adams, Lupita Nyong’o and Brad & Angelina, you could feel the energy come through the television screen into your own living room.  That energy is what makes up the entire universe.  The good vibration energy and the low vibration energy.

YOU ARE ALWAYS IN TRAINING FOR GOOD!  Just as an incredible artist, craftsman, performer hones their craft, you have the rest of your life to do just that.  Practice having more good.

If you’re going to make a decision to take control of your life, have the things you want, do the things you want, be the person you want to be, and live the way you want with the people you want, there’s something you must know.  You are in charge.

At this point in your journey do you know when you are creating greatness in your life and when you are sabotaging your success.  This path is a life-long endeavor.

You can Deliberately Create prosperity, security, health, freedom, joy, aliveness, ingenuity, independence, fulfillment and a natural state of being the way you were meant to be . . . as simply as smiling.

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” – Thích Nhất Hạnh

SMILING.  Such a simple act yet so profound.  Science now tells us that the simple act of smiling is not only good for your health it also makes you happier.  Research also evidences that “happy” people make more money.

So when you feel out of sorts, just smile and your brain does the rest.  You don’t have to wait for something to smile about, starting smiling to create oxyitocin in the brain.

The most basic kind of peace work is peace within your own soul.    A smile creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in business, and is the countersign of friendship and nonviolence.  A smile not only improves your looks, it improves your outlook, and when your outlook improves, it is much easier to be at peace.

Today share a buttery warm smile with at least three people, knowing that your smile contributes peace to your and everyone around you.

Think about it:

What keeps you from smiling at others?

 Take Action!

Identify a person to whom you would normally not smile (i.e. someone from a different race, neighborhood, or class).  What gets in the way of a smile?  What might happen if you smile at them, either good or bad?  Experiment several times, then write or draw about your experience.

Major Do: 

Start your day with the intent to look for positive things to smile about.  Then intend to find them.


Major Don’t: 

Don’t live for the end result, saying “I can’t feel better until it happens.” Smiling makes it so.

Words to live by: 

I smile to the world and the world smiles to me – Sister Chan Khong

Post your “selfie smile” on our FB Blog.

Blog Challenge Shame

Man jumpAfter signing up for a 30 Day Blog Challenge, I find myself after the third day two days behind.  Instead of shaming myself into compliance, I wondered if there was a great learning in this experience.  Of course there is!

With the back drop of the Oscars as my canvas, it struck me there is this overall need to review and judge how we dress, speak, behave, make mistakes and paint the world with sweeping assessments of our performance.  Blogging is like that for me.  Judging the content, the look, the impact.   There is this place of vulnerability that is uncomfortable as I squirm in my chair the whole time.

There is also this “practice what you preach” voice in the back of my head.  My teachings on wealth and abundance always have their roots in worthiness. Building worthiness is a daily practice which begins with courage.

The root of the word courage is cor – the Latin word for heart.  Originally Courage meant “to speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart”.  Over time the word has become synonymous with being heroic.

“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.”  – Brene Brown

Letting go of what other people think is a huge act of courage.  Courage is letting go of the need to please, perform and perfect.  Saying “no” rather than sure (and being resentful and pissed off later).

If you would like to practice courage today, light a candle to symbolize your commitment to accept the courage to practice 64 Ways of living the authentic you.  The good news is abundance is a natural outcome of your courageousness.  Let the flame represent the beginning of a new season: of reflection, growth, and practicing harmony, authenticity and abundance.

Think About It

What is the most recent act of courage you practiced in your life?

Take Action!

As you reflect on that courageous action write a short paragraph (3-4 sentences) about what it meant to you and why.

Major Do Today:  Find new ways to feel a “little” more courageous.  Be creative. Be inventive. Be outrageous

Major Don’t Today:  Don’t live in someone else’s opinion about you.  Own your own spectacular-ness.  

Money Magnet

money on treesOnce you master the magnetism of money, you will never have to worry about wealth and abundance again.

Instead you are able to:

  • Tap into your own value and worth
  • Attract money like a magnet
  • Uncover and discover your blocks and resistance around receiving good
  • Transform challenges into Cha Ching
  • Become pregnant with your soul’s passion


Declare Your Affirmation: 

The biggest mistake you can make is to forget to begin your day with the truth of who you truly are.  This is why you begin every day with your Money Magnestism Affirmation:

I am wealthy because I breathe!

Call In Your Good:

Energy is everything.  When you align with this energy and clearly decide what your life looks like, you are unstoppable.

Take just 15 minutes each morning to call in your good, invoke the syncho-destinies and miracles that go beyond what you create through force and will.  This journey is not designed to be a struggle, rather a graceful, easy, feminine, creative birth of your dreams and desires.

Practice calling in your good in the morning before you begin your busy day and see the amazing results unfold before your eyes.

Money Value Meter

Most women avoid tracking how they give and receive.  There is usually a heavy side of giving and not much receiving.  Because they don’t acknowledge this fact, there is a lack of balance in their wealth and abundance.  It’s much easier to stay stuck in the story of why life is not supporting you.

Being in balance with both giving and receiving is essential to the wealth and abundance quotient.  Clearing seeing your value and worth will open the channels of receiving as well as allow you to give from an open heart.  Every evening review your day with the Giving and Receiving Journal and the Bed Time Story.

Giving and Receiving Journal

Draw a line down the middle of the journal page…on the left side write “Giving” and on the left side write “Receiving”. Write down those things you receive and give during a day under each column. (Like I took my mom to the doctor, my friend bought me a cup of coffee; I got great business counsel from a coach no charge).

You want to choose a dollar amount you value yourself at hourly. Here is the secret sauce, write next to each item of giving and receiving a value you attach to it based on your time or gift to the world (Like great business advise $1,000 because it led to a new way of doing something in your business or a contact for a new client that could potentially bring in $5,000) . It’s important to claim the value now not necessarily when it shows up. Remember pre-grateful. Here’s the interesting part: a negative thought of lack cannot live in your mind at the same time as the positive abundant thought when you are journaling these gifts. You will see remarkable shifts with this one activity!

Your Greatest Asset

CaribbeanOver seven decades ago Napoleon Hill wrote a book called Think and Grow Rich. He put forth the idea that you can think yourself to becoming rich. Millions have read his book and become wealthy and abundant. Still millions more have read the book, done nothing to change their thinking or even worse poo poo-ed the ideas as woo woo or silly.

Now, years later, we have an abundance of Neuroscience evidence (easily accessed through a simple Google search) verifying your mind creates your reality. Conclusion –your mind is your greatest asset AND your “key” to success, wealth, abundance, happiness and health.

It only takes an instant to recognize this simple science so why aren’t you utilizing the powerful asset you were born with? Could it be no one has ever taught you?

I am often asked how do you create a mindset of wealth. Simple really. Spend 51% or more time focusing on what you want rather than what you don’t want or don’t have and shazam! It appears like magic.

Sounds simple right? For years, I thought I “understood” this simple concept, only to experience re-runs of the same lackluster life over and over. Each day I simply inserted a new caster of characters.

To truly ignite the “Magic of your Mind”, thinking and intention are only one aspect of the manifestation process. In Think and Grow Rich“ Hill says, “Tell the world what you intend to do, but first show it.” Showing or “Acting as If” ignites the quantum field of possibility.

Sooooo, if you want to become a manifesting machine, I invite you to try this simple technique for the next week. I promise you, shift will begin to happen and you can stop re-running your usual script.

For the next week:

Choose one specific manifestation you would like to see in your life. Perhaps a job promotion, more clients, a trip to another country, new patio furniture, a new home, a relationship. . . .

For the next week, at least 51% of the time, “act as if” you are already experiencing this manifestation.
Here is the secret sauce: Experience the emotions of this situation being manifested. Enjoy every moment of it; give it lots of positive energy at least 51% of the day. Notice I said energy! Forget about positive thinking, it’s time for positive action. Actions are feelings, emotions, behaviors, reactions, conversations, the way you move, speak and connect.

For example, if you were to desire a beautiful new home, imagine yourself swimming in the pool behind your home, entertaining on the spacious patio, friends sharing your company. Imagine what music is playing, who do you connect with, what your conversations during the day sound like, what type of food you are buying, how do you feel when you wake in the morning. Begin to notice every detail of your life and how it aligns with this manifestation.

Throughout your daily activities, pay attention to every decision you make, every thought you think and most importantly, does your behavior comport with your desire. Would a person who already had the experience you desire, speak, act and feel this way. Even the conscious act of asking yourself these questions, creates more of what you want. Speak and act and feel as if you already have the experience in your life. Surround yourself with those you would if the experience was happening right now.

Begin to notice how many hours of the day you are “acting as if” and how many you are “acting as if you don’t have”.

Once you reach 51% of acting as if, shazam, SHIFT HAPPENS!
Let me know about your manifestations!

15 Minutes to Success Recipe

clockThe greatest gift I could share with you in 2013 is my 15 Minutes to Success Recipe.   This process has allowed me to travel the world (mostly free), build six figure+ businesses, sky dive over the Caribbean and eat junk food without gaining weight (kidding about the junk food but wouldn’t you love to do that?)

Committing to this process just 15 minutes a day for 90 days will give you an Insane Body, Make You a Million Dollars and Create the Relationship of Your Dreams. Also kidding. Don’t you love it when you get promises like this? Just as promises like this are not genuine, I promise that if you do nothing different in 2013, your year will look very similar to 2012.

What I can promise you is this: if you fully invest in this process 15 minutes a day for 90 days, your life WILL be transformed in ways you cannot possibly imagine at this moment AND your dreams will begin to reveal themselves before your very eyes. Is it worth a mere 1,350 minutes, 22.5 hours or less than one day of your life? If you are leaning towards no, don’t do it and see what happens. If you are leaning towards yes, you are about to change your life completely FOREVER! Are you ready?

There is so much emphasis on speed in our modern world. Fast food, fast workouts, even fast rest. We are so busy doing everything fast and furiously so we can get back to the “important” things in our life, we have lost track of what IS important.

Here is a “simple” way get back on track AND fast track your dreams, create wealth and abundance AND it will only take you 15 minutes a day. Only do this is you are willing to see dramatic changes in yourself and your world.

15 Minutes to Success Recipe

Day Dreams Are Not for Kids

Five minutes each day, step into your own time machine. Create a narrative about what you want your life to look like tomorrow, next week, two years from now. Whatever time period you desire. This is your time machine. Choose a new destination time each day.

If you were to step into this time machine, set the dial to whatever day in the future you would like and press “GO”. As you arrive at your destination, write down exactly what you see, feel, hear, smell, and touch. Never describe this as what it “will be like” or “what is going to happen”. Describe it and make the telling real enough you can taste the satisfaction, enjoyment, fulfillment and joy in every nuance, every second as you reveal its juiciness. The narrative is always in present time.

The more you feeeeel the passion in every word you write, the more of an energetic vibration you create which draws the experience to you. Science has proven that your mind does not know the difference between your “make-believe” images which create a magnetic vortex with your passionate feelings and the “make-believe” negative desires you have been creating for the things you “don’t want”. As you write, feel the energy building within you of this experience. Here is a sample of what your writing could sound like:

“You know my husband and I are so thrilled with the travel agent we used who booked this incredible trip to Italy. We’ve wanted to take this trip for years, but never felt like we should spend the money. We just decided it was time to treat ourselves and as soon as we decided we were going, the money came in as if by magic.

From the moment we landed at Leonardo da Vinci Airport in Rome, our entire trip was picture perfect. The first class seats were amazing, the wine they served was beyond spectacular and the limo that picked us up was driven by the most incredibly sexy Roman . . . .”

You get the picture. . . you’re feeeeling every phrase, savoring every detail as you go along. Each day create a scene from your trip in your time machine.

Caramelize Your Day Dream

In cooking caramelizing is a process of heating a substance and making it even sweeter. Thus the next five minutes will do just that.

After you have taken the trip in your time machine, written down the experience for five minutes, it’s time to heat it up. Nothing creates this sweetness more quickly than stillness.

In the next five minutes of your day, sit in stillness and allow your journal entry to wash over you. As you sit in stillness, allow your body to become limp, relax into allowing the vision to become you. Pay attention to each breath in and out and know that the entire five minutes are creating the sweetness of your vision. Think only thoughts of the vision or of your breath. Nothing more, nothing less.

Turn On Your Dream

Have you ever noticed that when you fall in love how everything seems right with the world? Being in love creates a vibrational frequency that changes mundane flat-lining days into exotic experiences.

There is one other path to this frequency and that is appreciation. It is profound and the closest thing to universal love that exists. When you are appreciating, you are in harmony with your creative source

Once again feeling comes into play. It is not about “thinking” appreciation. That does not create the vibration you are looking for. There has to be a surge of significant emotion flowing upward from the depths of your soul for this to be effective.

The last and final five minutes spend appreciating your life as it is now. Write 10 things you appreciate in your life right now. As you write these things let the energy flow buckets of love, adoration and appreciation for it.

Something as simple as a tree stump, a dying bush, a gust of wind or a mean person you meet in the supermarket can be on this list. As you appreciate each item, add it on your list and feel the buzz in your body of full out love, gentle sweetness, kindness, empathy or preciousness.

Just let the sensation roll over you as you write your list. As you float on the vibration of this appreciation, you will allow the energy to pull in more of the good into your life. Blast each entry with this energy of love and appreciation.

That’s it. Simple right? If you’re allowing your resistant programming to say things like “too simple”, “yeah right”, “c’mon really”? Just know that I’ve done this for years, had clients do it for years and the results are always the same, INCREDIBLE!

What have you got to lose 1,350 minutes?   

Not Enoughness Causes Financial Dis-Ease

I found myself writing an intro for a television interview this morning and this is what came out:

The disease that plagues our planet is a cancer called not-enoughness which has created an epidemic of financial lack and limitation.

As I wrote these words, I began to reflect on my own journey of not-enoughness and how 13 years ago I described my financial condition as “Cancer”.   At the time I owed the IRS hundreds of thousands of dollars and to say the fear of that looming over my head truly did feel like a death sentence.    I remember like it was yesterday saying “it would be easier to cure physical cancer than this financial cancer”.

The truth is cancer is simply the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells.  It reflects a deeper issue which has provided a breeding ground for its uncontrolled growth.  In my case 13 years ago, it was believing I was not enough.  Only through recognizing my value was I able to cure my cancer.

Globally, up until 2008, there was an uncontrolled growth of abnormal currency cells.  The breeding ground allowing the uncontrolled growth was greed, the deeper issue was an uncontrolled belief in “not enoughness”.     Even though it seemed at the time, the entire world had “enough” stuff up until that point,  what was the cost?  Over consumption, debt, excess and the desire to fill our lives with “things” to fill the not-enoughness container.

What is the cost to an addict or alcoholic when you strip away their dependence cold turkey?  In the past five years I have watched a planet go from “financially” hiding their feelings about feeling enough to cold turkey stripping away their addiction to the things that keep this belief hidden.  As the world contracted into a belief that money is the only thing that creates the enoughness, I am constantly amazed at how it has been called “crisis” “meltdown”, “worst since . . .”, “horrific” and more.   It causes me great pause when the press is consistently reminding us that we truly do not have enough and that something needs to be done about it.

Yes something does need to be done.  We must see that our value has nothing to do with the things and everything to do with who we are but who we be.  Then and only then, does wealth come pouring in pressed, down shaken up and overflowing.

What if the real truth is that the sheer volume of money that was swirling about up until 2008 was simply a way for us to cover up and blind ourselves from our belief that we were not enough?     As long as you were able to buy the monolith homes, multiples cars, electronics that numb feelings or travel away from your life regularly, you would not have to look at the not enoughness that was  lingering right below the surface.

As the world has adopted the these mantras:

We don’t have enough to do the things that we want.
We don’t have enough to feel good about our lives.
We don’t have enough to create change.
We don’t have enough to be who we are.

We just don’t have enough, the result is YES.  You are right!

Imagine that this change in the economic climate was simply an opportunity to look deeply into the caverns of your value of enoughness and decide who you are without the distractions.  Instead of calling it wrong or bad that families moved in together, began to eat meals at home, shared a ride or a computer, that therein lies the opportunity to touch the very fabric of your humanity, your love, your kindness, your tolerance, your value.

There is so much conversation around a “return to values”.  Yes we need to return to values, our own value, what makes us who we are, what we bring to the planetary table as our good and gift.

How can you know who you are when your self-worth is contingent upon a physical appendage as large as a car, a boat or a house?   Stripped down naked allows you to get in touch with you and begin to create wealth from that space, not one of mind numbing, intoxicated, unconscious lives.

The word wealth comes from an old English word “weal” which literally translated means happiness, well-being, prosperity.  The condition of happiness or well-being.   How do you demonstrate that in your life today?  Is it still contingent upon a thing, or can you get in touch with that condition of happiness and well-being from inside your inner most beingness?

This financial cancer that is plaguing the planet is caused by inflammation, as is all dis-ease.   The inflammation of the not enoughness belief creates fear, constriction of the heart and leads to more financial cancer.  Opening up to one’s own value is an anti-inflammatory remedy for that cancer.

You can begin today by knowing your true worth and value from the inside out and allow true wealth to press down upon you as a reflection of the truth of who you are.

The Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything

Where’s a life coach when you need one.  It’s 1 a.m., I lay in bed tossing and turning wondering what coach I have on speed dial that will take a call at that hour. I am reminded of something I heard years ago in AA, there will be moments when you only have your “higher power” to rely on because another human may not always be there by phone, email or text. If you have something bigger than you, there will always a fallback, just so you won’t drink.

Well I wasn’t going to drink, jump off the roof maybe, but not drink. Sabotage my life perhaps, but no t drink. Feel self hatred and fear, but not drink. All those feelings that one would attempt to medicate through drinking or addictive behavior, I lay there and felt in the dark of my room and wondered if sleep would ever take me away to allow the feelings to subside for a few hours. Feeling the feelings is a bitch.

The hamster wheel thoughts were those “what if” crazy unsolvable thoughts. What if my upcoming event doesn’t fill? What if I sabotage my offers because I’m afraid? What if I never achieve my vision? What if I do achieve my vision? What if I really am an impostor? What if I am pretending to be something I’m not? What if people just plain frickin’ don’t like me?

With the dawn of morning, the question presents in the daylight a different way. What the heck am I doing here and what is the meaning of life? I giggle as I scan my conscious brain for answers. The memory file pops open a draw labeled: Movies: The folder spills open to “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.”

There is a ridiculously satirical scene that poses the question this way from citizens of the Galaxy.

Citizens: “We’d really like the answer to life, the universe and everything – something simple.”

A reply comes from the huge computer which was created to come up with answer.

Big Giant Computer: “Come back in 7.5 million years”

Next scene Fast Forward 7.5 million years.

Citizens: “Do you have the answer?”

Big Giant Computer – “YES, but you’re not going to like it — the answer to life, the universe and everything IS ‘42’. It would have been easier to have known what the exact question was.”

Citizens: “It was THE question, the ultimate question, of everything.”

Big Giant Computer: “That’s not a question. When you know the question, you’ll know what the answer means.”

Citizens – “Give us the ultimate question”.

Grateful for the technology we imesh ourselves in daily, with a couple of keystrokes I was able to replay this clip on You Tube and make myself giggle.


The question isn’t “what is the answer to life, the universe and everything”, “it’s how might I be an expression of the unique experience called me?”

The same is true for you and together we get to stumble through this galaxy and have our fears and insecurities serve as sign posts to that galaxy of love and light that is beyond these cultural stereotypes and find humor in the seriousness of it all.

Taking myself too seriously can be dangerous to this galaxy because you and I are needed to evolve and create more movies like hitchhiker, more technology like You Tube, more seminars sharing our inherent gifts and more community to support each other in proving through faith or logic that there is something bigger at play.

So today I rely on this higher power, or the super computer depicted in the movie or just the notion that I am more than my fears to laugh and find the answer to the life, the universe and everything. I am the question and the answer.

The line in the movie “the Babel fish proves God exists”, is what I will hold onto today.” Even though I cannot definitively “prove” through our current scientific models that “a higher power” exists, I find comfort in knowing that there is something about you and I that is more intelligent and special than the Babel fish or the most intelligent species the dolphins.

If you need a giggle today, their chorus as they leave the earth: 

So long and thanks for all the fish.