When You Stumble Make it Part of the Dance

Two things I love Dancing with the Stars and watching my nieces grow up. Even though I did not give birth to them, I feel like they were born from some part of me that is beyond this earthly realm. Every one of their moments of stumble has been a beautiful dance to watch as one has grown to be the mother of the other two radiant beings. I remember each of them learning to walk. Not one of them ever fell and said “well that didn’t work”, let’s not do “it” again.

And as I watch Dancing with the Stars every week, I see this light in the eyes of the awkward, already successful celebrities, become brighter as they fearlessly embark on something that is clearly daunting and out of their “comfort zone”.

The “stumbling” is such an integral part of the walking and dancing. Today marks the celebrations of Easter, Passover, the Vernal Equinox, Spring, and if you live in a Southern State “let the planting begin day”. It’s a milestone for renewal and birth. In the historical renderings it is said that a pharaoh pronounced Israel to be bare of seed.” As I read this it touched me at such a deep level realizing we all feel this sense at moments in our lives. That we are without “seed”. Nothing to give, who am I to have a dream, what could I give to the world or I cannot make a different or any version of that. How often does that sentiment enslave your heart when you “stumble”, make a mistake, realize you are not where you want to be in life or just plain give up on yourself, your hope and your life.

To commemorate today I encourage you to Dance in your own desert as the Jews did in Egypt. Were they 100% behind their own rescue? No, but did God give up on them? No. Your highest purpose will always be there to meet you when you are ready.

This small voice, is playing the song “You can walk, you can dance you can fly you can dream”. The light is longer than the dark in the days ahead. Spring is here to remind you that you can blossom into the incredible sensual, rich divine, amazing unique dancer you are. Unzip that clunky armor and grace us with your flow and love today!

Arrange whatever pieces come your way today and trip the light fantastic.

Band Aid for the Soul

I cut my middle finger, “bird finger” slicing an onion, a few nights ago. It was deep and started bleeding profusely. I quickly put two Band Aids awkwardly covering the tip. This finger sticks out further than all the others and is involved in all of my day to day activities.  Just as this finger is to important to my daily life so too is my belief system which is always front and center in every one of my life experiences. Thinking my finger was healed yesterday I took the Band Aid off.  The flap of skin continued to flap around. I knew I could not leave it uncovered so put another on.

This morning the replacement Band Aid came off in the shower and this little flap of skin caught on something and ripped off.  Now the wound was beginning to bleed again.  Quickly I replaced the Band Aid AGAIN!

Realizing then the wound would heal only if I continued to protect it and care for it, it struck me this Band Aid was a lot like the search for a Band Aid for my Soul Id been having this week.  We all need that protection and care when we have opened an old wound (our beliefs)  that have kept us stuck for years and continue to bleed when not properly protected allowing a  new skin, a new belief, to heal over it. 

Those wounds show up in behavior that Don Miguel Ruiz outlines in his book The Four Agreements.  I have read that book several times and the one that brings me nose to nose with my underlying limiting beliefs is “Don’t Take Anything Personally”.

Just as all the Agreements Don Miguel speaks to “Be Impeccable with Your Word”, “Don’t Make Assumptions”, “Always Do Your Best” and “Don’t Take Anything Personally” each of them is an Agreement to be the best version of myself I can be. 

He writes:  “Awareness is always the first step because if you are not aware, there is nothing you can change.   If you are not aware that your mind is full of wounds and emotional poison, you cannot begin to clean and heal the wounds and you will continue to suffer.” 

Just as my finger would not heal if I did nothing to clean and protect it, so too my Soul will never heal and transform if I do not become aware that there is a wound.

Whatever someone says or does or does not do and I feel hurt, it isn’t that person who has hurt me it is my own wounds that I have allowed to be touched by what has occurred.  I am hurting myself with these thoughts.  It is so easy to create an entire picture or movie in my mind where I am the director, producer, main character and editor.  My point of view is simply that, a point of view generated from a wound from long ago.  So whether the behaviors surrounding me are not enough responses to a seminar, a perceived slight from a colleague who is distracted, a comment from another given in jest which reminds me of the fat little girl I used to be or comparing my insides to other younger more beautiful outsides, they are the blood of an old wound that needs to be healed.

So what can you and I do to protect this wound and allow it to heal?  Begin today to place your trust in yourself rather than the actions or words of others.  Awareness is the key to healing this wound.  Just as my finger was bleeding and I became aware of the cut, becoming aware of the blood that is the signal to our wound is when we are taking a situation personally.  Notice those moments you believe life is not supporting you.  Write those moments down.  Cleaning the wound is going to the core of those beliefs and meet the experience face to face that created that wound. 

Placing a Band Aid on the wound is the process of focusing on the opposite of your wounding belief.  If your belief is, I’m too old, fat, ugly, untalented, can’t sing can’t win, or the myriad of conversations we tell ourselves choose this:

Begin with forgiving yourself and anyone who may have helped create the wound.  Whether it be parents, brother, sisters, friends or God.  Accept yourself and those around you just the way they are. 

The next is to Live Like You Were Dying.  Ask yourself what would you do if you knew you had two weeks to live?  Would you approach others with the conversation “Poor me, I am going to die” and create drama OR would you enjoy your life.  Decide to be yourself and live life as YOU.

Begin each day saying “I am awake, I see the sun.  I am going to give my gratitude to the sun and to everything and everyone because I am still alive.  One more day to be myself.” 

These are your Band Aids and you must not remove them until they have healed the wound and stopped the bleeding of the emotional cuts which lie below them.  How will you know?  When you no longer Take Anything Personally!

How to Increase Net Worth

How Can I Increase My Family’s Net Worth?

How Can I Increase My Family’s Net Worth? | MyKCM

Every three years, the Federal Reserve conducts their Survey of Consumer Finances. Data is collected across all economic and social groups. The latest survey data covers 2013-2016.

The study revealed that the median net worth of a homeowner is $231,400 – a 15% increase since 2013. At the same time, the median net worth of renters decreased by 5% ($5,200 today compared to $5,500 in 2013).

These numbers reveal that the net worth of a homeowner is over 44 times greater than that of a renter.

Owning a home is a great way to build family wealth.

As we’ve said before, simply put, homeownership is a form of ‘forced savings.’ Every time you pay your mortgage, you are contributing to your net worth by increasing the equity in your home.

That is why Gallup reported that Americans picked real estate as the best long-term investment for the fifth year in a row. According to this year’s results, 34% of Americans chose real estate. Stocks followed at 26%, and then gold, savings accounts/CDs, or bonds.

Bottom Line

If you want to find out how you can use your monthly housing cost to increase your family’s wealth, let’s get together to guide you through the process.

Is Money Causing Stress?

Most studies agree that the leading cause of stress is . . . . (drum roll), MONEY!  It took the lead position, you guessed it, about 5 years ago and is maintains its Gold Medal status to this date.  No pun intended.

Money stress, is found everywhere, making large purchases (home or car), mounting debt, no job or job lay-off worries, paying for kids education, retirement, health care costs, just not being able to do what you want.

You want to know a secret, shhhhh.. … people who have lots of money still stress over it.  In some cases their stress is higher than those who don’t have enough.  Why you ask?  Their stress comes from where to invest, watching investments rise and fall with the world economies, running businesses and never taking time for themselves or family, they are still in debt just more than the average bear, their retirement’s hopes and dreams have disappeared with their retirement funds.  If worrying about it were not enough, the  numbers are sobering on how stress impacts us when it comes to debt:

*Headaches and migraines (44% with high debt vs 4% with low debt)

*Depression (23% vs. 4%)

*Heart attacks (6% vs. 3%)

*Muscle tension and lower back pains (51% vs. 31%)

*Ulcers and digestive problems (27% vs. 8*)

So what is this “Money stress” and how can you overcome it?

Acknowledge It – Knowing you have money stress and identifying the root of it are two different things.  What exactly is the money issue?  Can’t cover costs, worried about an emergency that hasn’t happened?  Not enough clients?  Your retirement dream was stolen from you? Look at the three elements of the stress:  the cue (when are you thinking of money issues), the negative thought (what exactly is the thought) and the action you take (shut down, smoke a cigarette, watch TV, eat, cranky with others).  Once you identify the ways you are experiencing stress, you can start to take baby steps to change them.

Exercise – Linking “money worries” to your fitness routine seems like a stretch, but it’s the claim New York Times’ writer Charles Duhigg champions in his new book “The Power of Habit”.   It doesn’t cost anything and it actually has been evidenced to improve your finances.  In his book, Duhigg concludes when you “start exercising in the morning”, you stop using your credit card quite as frequently”.  When you start changing one pattern, another similar pattern naturally falls into place.

Connect with The Right Solution – This is so key and critical.  Your inner DJ Critic is likely sharing with you right now:  You don’t need help, you don’t want anyone else to know you are feeling this way, you can tough it out,  life’s hard for everyone right now, don’t worry just stay the course.  All those solutions may work for a while, but the truth is you want to be happy and being alone and isolated with your money relationship will not help it change.   To find a mentor who can model a healthy relationship with money.  To not let self-criticism stop you from getting support.

Take On Your Money Bully – This will change everything!  If your conversation with money goes something like this:  You can’t buy that, there is not enough, I’m going to take your house now, you are not enough, you can’t make this work, give me what you have right now, don’t spend so much, you have to work harder to keep this, stop trying to be something you’re not. . . then you have a Money Bully and it’s time to for a rescue mission.  To defeat a bully you need a hero who will be passionate for you, make positive changes for you, bring awareness to the situation and stand for your power.

Money is everywhere.  You cannot open a channel to receive while you are locked down in stress.  The vault is shut and nothing can flow in easily.  Recognizing that money is everywhere and simply a source of  energy exchange.  Changing your conversation around money will begin to open the receiving channel.  Never say:  “I can’t make more money or I should cut my spending”.  Choose the things you do from a place of power.  Instead affirmations such as “I am smart enough to create more income”, “I am choosing to buy this in order to be a good steward of my money.”

So as you take these small steps towards reducing “money stress”, money will become more and more comfortable being in your presence and want to stay and kick it’s shoes off.

Your Greatest Asset is YOU!

CaribbeanOver seven decades ago Napoleon Hill wrote a book called Think and Grow Rich. He put forth the idea that you can think yourself to becoming rich. Millions have read his book and become wealthy and abundant. Still millions more have read the book, done nothing to change their thinking or even worse poo poo-ed the ideas as woo woo or silly.

Now, years later, we have an abundance of Neuroscience evidence (easily accessed through a simple Google search) verifying your mind creates your reality. Conclusion –your mind is your greatest asset AND your “key” to success, wealth, abundance, happiness and health.

It only takes an instant to recognize this simple science so why aren’t you utilizing the powerful asset you were born with? Could it be no one has ever taught you?

I am often asked how do you create a mindset of wealth. Simple really. Spend 51% or more time focusing on what you want rather than what you don’t want or don’t have and shazam! It appears like magic.

Sounds simple right? For years, I thought I “understood” this simple concept, only to experience re-runs of the same lackluster life over and over. Each day I simply inserted a new caster of characters.

To truly ignite the “Magic of your Mind”, thinking and intention are only one aspect of the manifestation process. In Think and Grow Rich“ Hill says, “Tell the world what you intend to do, but first show it.” Showing or “Acting as If” ignites the quantum field of possibility.

Sooooo, if you want to become a manifesting machine, I invite you to try this simple technique for the next week. I promise you, shift will begin to happen and you can stop re-running your usual script.

For the next week:

Choose one specific manifestation you would like to see in your life. Perhaps a job promotion, more clients, a trip to another country, new patio furniture, a new home, a relationship. . . .

For the next week, at least 51% of the time, “act as if” you are already experiencing this manifestation.

Here is the secret sauce: Experience the emotions of this situation being manifested. Enjoy every moment of it; give it lots of positive energy at least 51% of the day. Notice I said energy! Forget about positive thinking, it’s time for positive action. Actions are feelings, emotions, behaviors, reactions, conversations, the way you move, speak and connect.

For example, if you were to desire a beautiful new home, imagine yourself swimming in the pool behind your home, entertaining on the spacious patio, friends sharing your company. Imagine what music is playing, who do you connect with, what your conversations during the day sound like, what type of food you are buying, how do you feel when you wake in the morning. Begin to notice every detail of your life and how it aligns with this manifestation.

Throughout your daily activities, pay attention to every decision you make, every thought you think and most importantly, does your behavior comport with your desire. Would a person who already had the experience you desire, speak, act and feel this way. Even the conscious act of asking yourself these questions, creates more of what you want. Speak and act and feel as if you already have the experience in your life. Surround yourself with those you would if the experience was happening right now.

Begin to notice how many hours of the day you are “acting as if” and how many you are “acting as if you don’t have”.

Once you reach 51% of acting as if, shazam, SHIFT HAPPENS!
Let me know about your manifestations!

Five New Year’s Resolutions to Build Wealth

Five New Year’s Resolutions to Build Wealthnora-schlesinger-534622-unsplash

It’s 2019 a brand-new year.  Did you ring it in with champagne, fireworks, a kiss, bed at 8 p.m. ignoring the myriad of TV countdowns.  Regardless of how you rang in the New Year, there is always a sense of hope that comes with January 1.  We vow that this year will be better, different, more abundant, happier, kinder or something different.  For me 2018 was filled with health issues, battling cancer and 2019 can only go up from here.  No matter where you ended 2018 or started 2019, you can make a decision right here and right now to have things be more abundant for you.

Of course, the standard operating procedure is to make a resolution.  There are so many we have either heard others make or made ourselves.  Plenty of you make resolutions — to lose weight, to change jobs, have more romance, buy your first investment property, buy gold, or to achieve a previously unconquered goal.  Sad news is that generally within a week or two the resolutions are forgotten like the celebrations and it’s back to the same old, same old.  Your old habits creep back in and soon another year will be behind you and you will be looking at January 1, 2020 wondering where it went.

You have the opportunity to do something different right now.  Remember the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.  It’s up to you whether YOU will do the same thing again or do something different.

Even if your life is perfect at this moment (unfortunately I don’t see a lot of that), you can create more wealth and abundance if only to be more philanthropic and change the world.   Imagine that your choice right now could have life altering effects for yourself and/or others somewhere down the road.  Even a small minor adjustment can turn into a huge and life changing moment before you know it.

Five New Years Resolutions to Build Wealth

1.        Make a Decision

Before you make decision, you must understand what a decision does. All decisions that you make cause a chain of events to happen. When you decide to create more wealth and abundance in your life, you are sending a signal to yourself and the universe that you are serious.  When you make this decision, you will begin to feel different, just as if you had decided to lose weight.  If you made a decision to lose weight, your mind begins to imagine all the things you must do in order to lose weight.  What you will eat, whether you will exercise, who you might enlist to help you with the decision, a friend, a gym, a video.  When you are confronted with the next decision of should I eat that cheesecake you begin to act on your decision.

When you make a decision to have more wealth and abundance, all too often, the fear of your past may be the next thought which may cause fear of failure.  Now is the time to only look forward and focus on the decision rather than the past precedent.  Just like deciding to lose weight, making the decision comes with an action.

2.        Take Action and Tell Others.

You cannot make a decision and not act upon it.  You must commit to the decision and that takes action.  So, what is the difference between a decision and a fairy tale dream?  It’s when you begin to act.  It’s obviously pointless to make a decision, have it play out in your head but do nothing about it.  You might as well have not made the decision to begin with.  In 2019 build a new habit, apply action to your decisions.  Keep taking action until the decision has become your reality.  By making decisions that bring forth results you build the confidence muscle of accomplishment.

The biggest problem with taking action on your decision is keeping yourself accountable.  If you are not where you would like to be right now, chances are you may think you are making a decision but somehow have never followed through to accomplish it.  There’s something about telling other people what your decision is that holds your feet to the fire.  We are hard-wired to perform for others more than ourselves. For example, for the longest time I’ve been trying to keep track of what I spend, everything, even the coffee at Starbucks in order to see where my disposal income goes.  I tried using my own will power, remembering it in my head, but not writing it down.  It seemed impossible. So, what I did was I went to a forum and made the decision to tell people that I would keep a small journal in my wallet and write it down when it happened.  Within two days, I was able to accomplish doing this because I felt a moral obligation to follow through with my words even though I failed in the past. Did people care? Probably not, but just the fact that there might be someone else out there seeing if I was telling the truth will give me enough motivation to follow through with the decision.


3.        Learn Something New

Here’s something really important to remember: what works for someone else, might not work for you. That’s why it’s important to learn something new every day so begin to choose the activities that resonate most with you, ones that push you to become the best you that you are capable of being…and to keep doing those


Don’t be afraid to try new habits and see how they work for you. If they leave you feeling energized and inspired, keep doing them…if they don’t, keep trying new ones until you find ones that do.

Over the course of the year, it can get all-too easy to get wrapped up in our own investments that we don’t step back and look at the world around us.  Dedicate yourself to researching and learning something new about money, wealth, real estate, stocks, meditation, personal growth, strategies, investigate new trends and stay informed. You’ll gain valuable experience through both successes and failures — but nothing if you stay the same.

When you wake up in the morning, do you immediately check your email or social media accounts? If so, you’re starting your day off in reactive mode instead of proactive.

Start your day focused on YOU and you will be in a much better state-of-mind to help others and get more accomplished all day.

How can you learn something new or create a new habit beginning now?



4.        Treat the End Like the Beginning

What do you want to accomplish, be, do, have and feel by having more wealth and abundance?   A new habit which will accomplish this faster than you can possibly imagine is journal EVERY DAY about this question?  What do you want to accomplish?  How will you feel?  What will you have?  The key to this journaling is to do as if it is happening now.

Even I f you are afraid of not making it happen or being disappointed, for 5-10 minutes each day, write about how it would be, how you would feel.  You can even write about your perceived failure feelings, or actual failures along the way, always coming back to the result you vision.  Journal about your hard work in accomplishing your wealth and abundance, the sacrifices all the while with the end being your new beginning.

If you really want to be crazy, make a video of yourself having accomplished your vision and replay it for yourself.



5.        Do Not Give Up No Matter What

“Do not give up when you haven’t even truly started.”

A saying heard in the halls of Alcoholics Anonymous is:

“Don’t give up 5 minutes before the miracle.”

If you are not where you want to be today, that just means you are not there YET!

When you begin to have feelings of “This isn’t working”, “See I told you I would never be wealthy”, “I always have bad luck”, or whatever your mantra is, that is the time to dig in, not to give up or slow down.  Re-focus, re-read your journal, watch the video and spend 10 minutes meditating on your dream.

Feelings of defeat and loss are your soul’s way or energizing you to remember who you are, what you are capable of and why you are making the decisions you are making.

Give up on telling stories about how it just wasn’t God’s will or in the plan of the Universe for you to have the life of your dreams.

Forget self-defeating thoughts like “it just didn’t work out” and “maybe next time”, (Yes, there will be a next time, but I believe in you this time.)

To do this you must remember your power, you must know that all that is good is on your side, and you must choose what you get to have in this life.

To do this you must give up the idea that it is all about hard work, sacrifice and struggle + lean in hard to what trust, flow and allowing looks and feels like for you.

(PS: God/Universe actually wants better than you than you want for yourself. You do not have to control. You can decide and co-create while trusting the guidance that comes through for you.)

The truth is, most people who “don’t make it” never really ever turned it on. They never really started. They didn’t get firm. They didn’t get nonnegotiable. They didn’t get unavailable for anything less than their desires. They didn’t lock it in. They didn’t decide (or rather remember) who they are, whose they are, what they are made of and what they desire.

They forgot that their desires are from the divine. They forgot that that beyond-their-wildest-dreams was the way that it was always supposed to be.

And they quit.

Meaning, they chose not to give their gifts and callings to the world in the way they desire at this time.

This year of 2019 if your Year.  Will you give your gift and calling to the world by creating wealth and abundance?




Are You Settling for . . . .

nose glassDo you find yourself playing “small” and feeling like the kid whose nose is pressed up against the window watching everyone else create the life of their dreams?  Do you justify your life as adequate, sensible, good enough, all the while knowing you have more greatness in you than you let the world see?

I can’t tell you (and often don’t) how much I have felt and done this very same thing. I thought I knew the “how” of creating an extraordinary life that I saw others living.  You know the lives I’m talking about, writing a bestselling novel after spending months eating, praying and loving, speaking to auditoriums of 1,000’s, sitting next to Oprah as the book sales tick up like an HSN viewing.  Feel free to insert your own dream life here.

It was only after I connected my dream or should I say day-dream, with Sacred Action, that the flood gates of good began to open.  Was it hard?  Was it scary?  Was it exhilarating?  Was it exhausting?  Yes! Yes! Yes! Was it one continuous trajectory upward?  Not even close.  A roller coaster graph of Thailand’s garlic sales would better demonstrate my journey.

So what exactly is Sacred Action?  It is ANY action you take with Reverence.  I recently wrote about Reverence as part of a 64 Day Season for Peace many of you participated in. Everyday Reverence  You don’t just practice Reverence on the weekends.

The intention and truth behind your actions is as essential as breathing is to your life.   Anne Lamott in her book Bird by Bird, asks her Creative Writing students if they want to be “published” or writers.  The first time I read this passage; I had to answer the question honestly for myself and was shocked and awed by my own answer.  Truth:  I have always wanted to be “published”.  Secretly I believed that trumpets would blare, reviewers would proclaim my works, Oprah would have me sitting next to her and the royalties would flow endlessly.   The problem was my intentions were motivated by being published while I was afraid to sit down and practice writing just because I loved writing.  Being published came from my ego, writing comes from my soul.

As I look back over my life and the lives of those I have coached, I know one thing.  If you are ONLY waiting wishing, hoping and praying for your dream life, it will always remain in your wishes, hopes and prayers.  You must step into your life with the pure intention of joy and serving.  Taking the first step can be daunting when you can’t see the top of the staircase.

Another form of Sacred Action is exampled by J. R. Martinez, a US Army Veteran who suffered severe burns to 34% of his body after being trapped inside a Humvee while deployed in Iraq.  He has turned what could have been a debilitating tragedy into a thriving life as an actor, motivational speaker, and best-selling author.  In a recent interview when asked what one thing could he say to our military and country about vets returning from the horrors of war?  His simply yet profound answer was to take the stigma out of “talking about” their experience.  Part of his own recovery has been to share about his experience truthfully and frequently.

These two simple Sacred Actions will open your life to potential and possibility beyond anything you could ever dream of.

1)      Reverence in your actions because of your love and passion, and

2)      Sharing/talking about what is holding you back in your life honestly and vulnerably.

As I look back on my own journey, I can see each time I did not practice these actions, fear and struggle have been the result.  When I did, ease and grace were the outcome.

So the question still remains, are you playing small?  If you want to play big, shine in your own way, and live the life of your destiny, you have to take that first step.  And if not now, when?  One of my mentors once said to me, in five years will you still be where you are right now?  That was 14 years ago and the dream is still unfolding in magical ways.  My heartfelt desire is that you experience the dream for yourself.staircase3

As we wrap up the 64 Days of Peace, Compassion and Abundance, I feel called more than ever to support you in taking the first step toward unwrapping your dreams beginning now!  I’m now offering ridiculously affordable group coaching ($45 per month) so you can dip your toe in and experience what it feels like to be creating your big dream.  Through April 15,

Enroll now for a month and you get a month to give as a GIFT to someone else! (Anywhere!)

Enroll for 3 months and you get the GIFT of a month to give to someone…and a 4th month FREE for yourself!

Come play with my incredible awesome tribe!

Do You Inspire Others – 64 Days Leadership

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams


The thought for today is LEADERSHIP.  You are ALWAYS leading.  You are either leading yourself through your thoughts and actions, leading a family through parenting, a charitable organization through volunteer work or as a manager/supervisor in a corporate environment.  Make no mistake you are always leading in one way or another.  So are you leading by cultivating engagement and vulnerability or through shame and fear?

As you lead your own path or model a path for others, it is essential to take stock of your internal dialogue.  Do criticize yourself for not performing perfectly?  Do you bullying yourself for making mistakes or being fearful?  Do you belittle yourself because of things you did not accomplish?

Leadership, as in all the qualities shared in the past few weeks, begins with you.  Having language awareness, shining light on the dark corners and engaging with your own inner leader.

Today practice compassionate leadership with yourself by expressing, integrity, courage , wisdom and vision that is meant for the highest good of all concerned.  Compassionate leadership will change the world!

Think About It

If you are a “born leader”, what example are your sharing?

Take Action

Choose a place in your life where you can set an example of integrity, courage or wisdom.  Do it and write down the results.

Major Do:  Be willing to dare greatly and facilitate honest conversation with yourself and others.

Major Don’t:  Don’t be afraid to engage in honest feedback.

Words to Live by:

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. —Lao Tzo


Post how you practiced leadership today on our FB Blog



In Abundance,



P.S. Invite a friend to these inspiration thoughts and add another entry to the drawing.   Join the Inspiration Party





Everyday Reverence – 64 Days

Always and in everything, let there be reverence.” – Confucious
blue moon

The thought for today is REVERENCE.  The art and practice of reverence is the intentional and mindful observance of honoring self, others, nature, and source with your unique and perfect expression of gratitude, reciprocity and devotion.  The term Ahimsa is inspired by the premise that all living beings have the spark of the divine spiritual energy, to hurt another being is to hurt oneself.

Reverence for all life is fundamental to Ahimsa because all is sacred.  How can you willingly do harm to that for which you have reverence. 

Reverence nurtures more joy, contentment, and meaning, cultivates gratitude, inspires passionate creativity, kindles deeper connections, sustains greater intimacy, will change your life, our world, and can heal the Earth.

Today open yourself up to a feeling of reverence for all forms of life, especially each and every person you meet during the day.   Take a walk outside and experience the beauty that surrounds you as YOU BE with the sky, the plants and animals, as well as your brothers and sisters.

Think About It

Did you ever see something so beautiful it took your breath way?

Take Action

Write a letter to someone who is not yet born.  What wisdom would you share?  What do you hope for their life?

Major Do:  Reverently connect with your inner beauty and preciousness, so you can make deep, meaningful and lasting impact on yourself and the world.

Major Don’t:  Stop putting someone else’s agenda ahead of your own.  Reverently express who you are.

Words to Live by:

My day is done, and I am like a boat drawn on the beach, listening to the dance-music of the tide in the evening.” ? Rabindranath Tagoblue moon

Post how you practiced reverence today on our FB Blog



In Abundance,



P.S. Invite a friend to these inspiration thoughts and add another entry to the drawing.   Join the Inspiration Party




Be Vulnerable – You’ll Find Yourself – Vulnerability 64 Days

 To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.” ― Criss Jami

The thought for today is VULNERABILITY.   Vulnerability has all too long been perceived as a weakness or soft spot open to attack.  The truth is we cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known.

Instead of seeing imperfections as being unworthy of love and belonging, see them as part of learning and growing.  Instead of trying to escape from them, face them with couage, compassion and love.  In this sense, every difficult situation is a precious opportunity for learning and growing yourself.

When you humbly and vulnerably acknowledge your whole self and reflect on the gifts of every part of yourself, it frees you from the need to be defensive.   Being free from defending your position creates an opportunity for peace and compassion not only for yourself but for the entire planet.  This video is a must see on Vulnerability.

Today, freely acknowledge at least one of your imperfections and embrace it as fully as a reminder we are all in this together.    Acknowledge that You DO make a difference.

Think About It

Can you feel exposed and completely loved and accepted at the same time?

Take Action

Connect with someone in your life or family and allow them to see you, hear you and value you.

Major Do:  Cultivate love for yourself by allowing yourself to be deeply seen and known.

Major Don’t:  Stop hiding who you truly are!

Words to Live by:

Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.” – Brené Brown

Post how you practiced vulnerability today on our FB Blog


In Abundance,



P.S. Invite a friend to these inspiration thoughts and add another entry to the drawing.   Join the Inspiration Party