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Does Money Make You Secure?

The word “secure” comes from two small Latin words “se” meaning “without” and “cure” meaning “care” – being without care, free from stress, anxiousness, worry, concern.  In simple terms freedom!

It seems every time you turn on the news there are reports of unemployment, job layoffs, inflation, housing collapses.  You may be experiencing grim forebodings such as this or even worse.  No one can control the stock market, how the housing market will recover, how the dollar will fare in the world economy, whether the government will extend unemployment or the nature of things around you.    A common term used these days in the real estate community is my “house is underwater”.  This does not mean “You” are under water.  You can swim no matter whether your house if under water, your career is sinking, your car is floating down the river.  If you were to ask Michael Phelps, he would say swimming is fun!  But then he’s not afraid of the water.   It’s the fear of the water, or the events we perceive as this water that will drown us that causes the insecurity or a feeling of caring too much about all of this external activity which in the great scheme of things you have no control over.

The great teacher Jesus once said ‘do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.  Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day.”  The reality is you can only do today what you can do today.  You cannot change tomorrow or relive yesterday.  Your security today is not found in things.  You are not secure at this moment, even as you read this because of your bank account, your house, your investments, your furniture, your IPad, IPhone or any other physical possession.  You are secure because your state of mind says you are.

Your mind is the most valuable possession you own.  It is the mind of those who you might perceive to have “everything” that got them where they are.  It wasn’t the surroundings that created Oprah Winfred, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King or any other iconic figure you might conjure up.  It was their mind.  Their mind and their willingness to use it.  Their use of the ideas which were originated in their minds is the gold which catapulted them to their greatness.

So what chunks of gold are lying dormant in your mind? You may not have money or money might be enslaving you at this very moment, and the truth is that circumstance is simple a momentary one.  Money can come and go, things you won may wear out, be lost or stolen, but ideas endure AND re-create into even more incredible ideas.

When you get this in your bones, really deep inside of you, then no matter what happens outside of you, the economy, the housing marketing, the job market, the media’s doomsday predictions, you will not be affected.

We live in a global information society.  You have an idea that no one else has.  What might that be?  Today take 10 minutes to sit quieting and ask yourself these questions:

  1. What do I know that I could teach someone else?
  2. How might that make an impact on the world?
  3. What problem would this knowledge solve?
  4. What prevents me from sharing this gift?

With these four simple questions you have begun the same journey that Oprah, Bill, Mark, Gandhi and the incredible minds of our time began.  You must take the first step to begin the journey.

Your security lies within you.  Once you recognize that, money becomes limitless.


Does Money Make You Secure? — 1 Comment

  1. My income has been on a roellr coaster for most of my career. Some years I make great money and some years I don’t. In those lean years I learned the discipline of not spending more than I have in the checking account, and making sure that I always have enough in the checking account for what I need plus emergencies. I also visited Nicaragua several times and being there taught me the difference between what I want and what I need. Before I spend anything, even lunch at work, I ask do I really need this or do I just want it. Even if the answer is, I just want it at least I am being honest with myself. If I have the money on hand, then I get it. If not, then whatever it is can wait.

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