Is Money Causing Stress?

Most studies agree that the leading cause of stress is . . . . (drum roll), MONEY!  It took the lead position, you guessed it, about 5 years ago and is maintains its Gold Medal status to this date.  No pun intended.

Money stress, is found everywhere, making large purchases (home or car), mounting debt, no job or job lay-off worries, paying for kids education, retirement, health care costs, just not being able to do what you want.

You want to know a secret, shhhhh.. … people who have lots of money still stress over it.  In some cases their stress is higher than those who don’t have enough.  Why you ask?  Their stress comes from where to invest, watching investments rise and fall with the world economies, running businesses and never taking time for themselves or family, they are still in debt just more than the average bear, their retirement’s hopes and dreams have disappeared with their retirement funds.  If worrying about it were not enough, the  numbers are sobering on how stress impacts us when it comes to debt:

*Headaches and migraines (44% with high debt vs 4% with low debt)

*Depression (23% vs. 4%)

*Heart attacks (6% vs. 3%)

*Muscle tension and lower back pains (51% vs. 31%)

*Ulcers and digestive problems (27% vs. 8*)

So what is this “Money stress” and how can you overcome it?

Acknowledge It – Knowing you have money stress and identifying the root of it are two different things.  What exactly is the money issue?  Can’t cover costs, worried about an emergency that hasn’t happened?  Not enough clients?  Your retirement dream was stolen from you? Look at the three elements of the stress:  the cue (when are you thinking of money issues), the negative thought (what exactly is the thought) and the action you take (shut down, smoke a cigarette, watch TV, eat, cranky with others).  Once you identify the ways you are experiencing stress, you can start to take baby steps to change them.

Exercise – Linking “money worries” to your fitness routine seems like a stretch, but it’s the claim New York Times’ writer Charles Duhigg champions in his new book “The Power of Habit”.   It doesn’t cost anything and it actually has been evidenced to improve your finances.  In his book, Duhigg concludes when you “start exercising in the morning”, you stop using your credit card quite as frequently”.  When you start changing one pattern, another similar pattern naturally falls into place.

Connect with The Right Solution – This is so key and critical.  Your inner DJ Critic is likely sharing with you right now:  You don’t need help, you don’t want anyone else to know you are feeling this way, you can tough it out,  life’s hard for everyone right now, don’t worry just stay the course.  All those solutions may work for a while, but the truth is you want to be happy and being alone and isolated with your money relationship will not help it change.   To find a mentor who can model a healthy relationship with money.  To not let self-criticism stop you from getting support.

Take On Your Money Bully – This will change everything!  If your conversation with money goes something like this:  You can’t buy that, there is not enough, I’m going to take your house now, you are not enough, you can’t make this work, give me what you have right now, don’t spend so much, you have to work harder to keep this, stop trying to be something you’re not. . . then you have a Money Bully and it’s time to for a rescue mission.  To defeat a bully you need a hero who will be passionate for you, make positive changes for you, bring awareness to the situation and stand for your power.

Money is everywhere.  You cannot open a channel to receive while you are locked down in stress.  The vault is shut and nothing can flow in easily.  Recognizing that money is everywhere and simply a source of  energy exchange.  Changing your conversation around money will begin to open the receiving channel.  Never say:  “I can’t make more money or I should cut my spending”.  Choose the things you do from a place of power.  Instead affirmations such as “I am smart enough to create more income”, “I am choosing to buy this in order to be a good steward of my money.”

So as you take these small steps towards reducing “money stress”, money will become more and more comfortable being in your presence and want to stay and kick it’s shoes off.

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