Vitamin P Boosts Money Mojo

There is one thing that if you take it every day, makes you irresistible to hot sexy money.

Let me introduce you to Vitamin P.

Vitamin P – stands for Pleasure. Well actually it stands for “proenkephalin”, but it’s easier to say pleasure. The dictionary defines pleasure as to delight- enjoy – treat- relish . . . When it comes to money, I find so many of my clients are doing the exact opposite they are depressed, critical, fearful, doubtful, sorrowful, unhappy and down right bullied in their money relationship. The best way to repel money is to stay in that bully state of mind.

Enter Vitamin P.

Your relationship to money can be a relationship of harmony or discord. And as in all relationships, it is imperative to pay attention to it in order for it to flourish. When I say pay attention, I don’t mean check on your bank account every 30 minutes. Pay attention like you would with any other relationship.  Think of it this way. Imagine you have a friend who is depressed, sorrowful, unhappy and annoyed every time they are around you. How much time would you like to spend with them? Not much right? Unfortunately this is how many people treat money. The conversations you have might sound like this:

“Because of YOU (money) I can’t play, eat, have fun, enjoy, delight, and/or relish in whatever I want to do”.

“Because of YOU (money) I don’t feel safe in my world, my job, my health or other areas of my life.

“YOU (Money)make me cry or become angry.”

If this were the conversation you were having with a good friend, it would not be long before they would find other friends. When you do have a friend and the relationship is strained, the fist step in healing that relationships is to find value and worth in them where they are now.  The healing begins and the relationship begins to develop in a new way. Money is no different. When you begin to find value and worth in your NOW money relationship, money will bring more money friends!  What a great by-product of Vitamin P. So often you believe that money creates the pleasure, when the reality is pleasure creates the money. Vitamin P is the super-food of financial health.

So how do you dose up with Vitamin P? You start by spending at least 5-10 minutes a day dosing up with Vitamin P. It’s deceptively simple in its chemical make up.

We start with the simple premise that Money is energy and you are a biochemical hub of energy, your levels of pleasure and satisfaction are directly related to your biochemical balance — in lay terms, feeling pleasure creates a sense of feeling worthy, experiencing gratitude and the by product of this energy is money loves it.

With the smallest doses of Vitamin P it becomes easy to look forward to money expansion in new, exciting ways instead of regret and obligation. Who wouldn’t want that?

With daily doses of Vitamin P, you not only activate your money magnetism, you also flip the switch from joy-deficient existence to gratitude, value and worth not only in your own eyes but those of everyone around you.  Everyone wants share their money friends with you.

Simply put, Vitamin P makes everyone feel good.

And when you are feeling good, all your best, most highly-prized values, gifts and attributes rise like cream to the top of your life. You can’t help but be your best self when you are filling those feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine and seratonin. Your pleasure becomes infectious and your money magnetism begins to heat up. The more Vitamin P you infuse into your life, the fuller your bank account becomes. And here’s the best part, as the money infuses, your openness, willingness, helpfulness, humor and delight circulate to bring even more.

Vitamin P changes how you see yourself and how you see others. It changes how you relate to others. And it transforms self-talk about money and how you speak to others in your life about money.

Now, I know you may be experiencing real conflict and suffering in your financial world. Vitamin P is not a silver bullet, we are talking about a relationship here.  You wouldn’t expect a friend you treated this way for years to automatically trust you again.   I’m not suggesting you pretend or ignore the circumstances you find yourself in. What is true is that feelings of depression, anxiety, unhappiness and fear actually work against you.   Vitamin P in small or large doses is the best way to begin experiencing more of them AND the beginning stages of creating the environment of money magnetism. Will you see a million dollars drop into your bank account if you spend one day taking small doses of Vitamin K. Some have. Perhaps you may or may not, but if you continue to consume lots and lots of Vitamin N (negativity) you will certainly never see an increase in that bottom line. Vitamin P changes the tenor of your relating to life from strained to exhilarating. Vitamin P is the thing that makes working on the areas of lack and suffering possible.

Vitamin P is the foundation. It is the ember upon which Hot Sexy money catches fire.

Don’t mistake Vitamin P for Positive Thinking, trickery, pretending. Yuck. It is instead the ability to find small or large pleasure in your existing life. What is fun, exciting, novel or relaxing you can do right now in this moment. Look out the window if you have one and see something that is new or something old you can see in a new way. What is that smell that is so fragrant that you never noticed before? Leave work 30 minutes early. Get a massage, take a walk around a labyrinth, go the park and watch a mother with her children. There are so many ways to trigger Vitamin P, be creative with it.

Vitamin P and Vitamin C (Crap) cannot co-exist.  So take your Vitamin P today!


Vitamin P Boosts Money Mojo — 4 Comments

  1. My relationship with money has radically shifted this year and I’d have to say, in retrospect, that much of that has to do with my shift around pleasure. In particular, in seeing having money (even small amounts of it) and being really, really fun.

    Back in college, I worked in retail and had the opportunity to watch a lot of humanity: it made an otherwise boring job into something I looked forward to. There was something that I saw in the kids who came through my check lane that I didn’t see with the adults — the kids would get so excited to pay for their purchases with their money. It was a huge big event to them. And it didn’t matter if they were spending 50 cents or 50 dollars, it was still something to be treasured.

    It is this kind of energy that I have reignited in my relationship with money. Everything about money is now infused with Vitamin P: spending it, saving it, even making it. And it is now flowing to me from many directions.

    Great article, Deb. Thanks for reminding all of us to find more pleasure in our lives.

  2. The flow of money into your life starts with your mindset. Debbie, you hit the target with your Vitamin P injection. I was worried earlier this year when I was let go from my part-time job. Although it didn’t make me a lot of money, it still felt like a safety net for me.

    Interestingly, I’ve since found that I have been able to devote not only more time but mental energy towards other areas of my life. Although my job was only part-time, it was constantly on my mind. It was just that I hadn’t realised it until it was no longer there.

    I now have a new lease on life that I’m really enjoying.

  3. Pingback: Money Excuse | Debbie Dobbins

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