Vacation to Prosperity

A friend of mine just returned from “vacation”.   Being that it’s summer and all, no surprises there.   The thought did occur to me with all my friends coming and going from “vacation”,  I’ve been on Permanent Vacation for over a decade.  How is that possible you might ask?

Let’s start with the true meaning of vacation.  Sure there’s the Webster’s version, “an extended period of recreation, one spent away from home or in traveling”.  It’s no wonder that we believe that – it’s in the dictionary!  It must be the truth.

The real truth is that the origins of the concept come from the Latin vaco, vacatum literally translated, “to be empty, to have leisure, being free from duty, freedom from obligations, release and the best word FREE”.  I didn’t hear anything about a “holiday” in this definition did you?

What does resonate in this concept is a sense of freedom that some people get from leaving their every day life to go somewhere.  The question is do you have to leave in order to feel these incredible qualities?  Can you be on permanent vacation anywhere anytime?  The simple answer is yes.  Just embody those qualities every day.  Herein also lies the rub.  I have so many people tell me how they are worried about losing their job, hating the job they have, stressed from too much work from their job, unfulfilled at their job, obligated to stay in the job for lack of a better opportunity or some feel like they cannot “vaca” simply because they don’t have a job.

NONE of that embodies vacation.  No wonder one would want to run away.

So what the heck does this have to do with money or prosperity.  Simple.  When you are immersed in feelings of worry, stress, doubt, disappointment, frustration, fear, anxiety your money wants to take a vacation from you.  You essentially push your good away at every turn.   In order for money to want to “hang out with you” you must treat it like a special guest in your home.  Appreciate all it does as if it were on vacation with you.   If your mantra is “I don’t like my job, I am stressed out from work, my work life does not fulfill me” or any other version of these statements, how good of a host are you.  You repel good and prosperity exponentially.The trick is to be in a mental state of permanent vacation and money wants to come to you and bring all it’s friends.

You can begin right now to be on permanent vacation and feel the freedom from obligations, release your attachment to what you believe this situation to be and be filled with “vaca” energy.

You always have a choice.  Just like you have a choice of what to do on an away vacation, you have a choice of how you act and feel every day at work or in your business.  How you feel about your “work life” begins with how you even refer to it.  Do you call it work or vacation.  Just changing how you talk about it will change how you see it.  Consider what you do to create the exchange of energy (money) in your life as fun.  In every moment you can choose to be miserable or free.  Even if you would like to have a different position, job or occupation, begin to create the exit plan AND be happy where you are now.  Stop making excuses for why your situation sucks and begin to see where the good is.  Look around at that co-worker that you detest and find the humor in it.  Look at the struggle where you are in your own business and see the opportunity for growth and development.  Be your own R & D Department to create something new out of something old.  R & D about how to spend your vacation always makes it better.  The better you feel, the more money happens.

Appreciate those around you.  Whether your own your own company or work for someone else you can always appreciate those around you.  The number one reason people leave their jobs in the US is that they don’t feel appreciated.  Not money!  So if you are not feeling appreciated, start appreciating others.  As you do that more will come your way.  Whatever you focus on expands.  As you appreciate someone else for their performance, their helpfulness, their beingness, you expand that cup for yourself.  Without even knowing how it happens, others will begin to appreciate you.  Money likes nothing better than to hang out with people who are giving of themselves.

Consider your options.  No one is forcing you to be where you are right now.  Even though sometimes you feel like that, it’s not the truth.  When you think about your current job or employment situation, take everything into consideration not just the negative aspects.  What are the benefits of being where you are right now?  Money is repelled by hate.  Consider the ways you can love what you are doing right this minute.  Do you dislike the environment, the time constraints, the people.  What can you do to make a difference?  How can you create a team atmosphere, share positive slogans, create genuine respect?  Money loves to be in an atmosphere of harmony.

So that’s it.  Start your permanent vacation today.  As you live in “vacation”, new ideas flow in, you get to hang out with people who are giving and there is an atmosphere of harmony.  The by product is the freedom from obligation since you are now choosing, free from duty because you are willing and release from all the “shoulds” because you are just being.  The best part, it’s free, you don’t have to go anywhere, book a plane ticket or wait in line.

Does Money Make You Secure?

The word “secure” comes from two small Latin words “se” meaning “without” and “cure” meaning “care” – being without care, free from stress, anxiousness, worry, concern.  In simple terms freedom!

It seems every time you turn on the news there are reports of unemployment, job layoffs, inflation, housing collapses.  You may be experiencing grim forebodings such as this or even worse.  No one can control the stock market, how the housing market will recover, how the dollar will fare in the world economy, whether the government will extend unemployment or the nature of things around you.    A common term used these days in the real estate community is my “house is underwater”.  This does not mean “You” are under water.  You can swim no matter whether your house if under water, your career is sinking, your car is floating down the river.  If you were to ask Michael Phelps, he would say swimming is fun!  But then he’s not afraid of the water.   It’s the fear of the water, or the events we perceive as this water that will drown us that causes the insecurity or a feeling of caring too much about all of this external activity which in the great scheme of things you have no control over.

The great teacher Jesus once said ‘do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.  Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day.”  The reality is you can only do today what you can do today.  You cannot change tomorrow or relive yesterday.  Your security today is not found in things.  You are not secure at this moment, even as you read this because of your bank account, your house, your investments, your furniture, your IPad, IPhone or any other physical possession.  You are secure because your state of mind says you are.

Your mind is the most valuable possession you own.  It is the mind of those who you might perceive to have “everything” that got them where they are.  It wasn’t the surroundings that created Oprah Winfred, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King or any other iconic figure you might conjure up.  It was their mind.  Their mind and their willingness to use it.  Their use of the ideas which were originated in their minds is the gold which catapulted them to their greatness.

So what chunks of gold are lying dormant in your mind? You may not have money or money might be enslaving you at this very moment, and the truth is that circumstance is simple a momentary one.  Money can come and go, things you won may wear out, be lost or stolen, but ideas endure AND re-create into even more incredible ideas.

When you get this in your bones, really deep inside of you, then no matter what happens outside of you, the economy, the housing marketing, the job market, the media’s doomsday predictions, you will not be affected.

We live in a global information society.  You have an idea that no one else has.  What might that be?  Today take 10 minutes to sit quieting and ask yourself these questions:

  1. What do I know that I could teach someone else?
  2. How might that make an impact on the world?
  3. What problem would this knowledge solve?
  4. What prevents me from sharing this gift?

With these four simple questions you have begun the same journey that Oprah, Bill, Mark, Gandhi and the incredible minds of our time began.  You must take the first step to begin the journey.

Your security lies within you.  Once you recognize that, money becomes limitless.

Strangers Want to Give You Money

Sounds strange right?  What if you had the secret chemical compound to induce strangers to give you money?  Well you do.  It’s in your brain.  The question is how do you activate it?

It’s commonly referred to as the “Trust”, “Feel Good”, “Everything is all right” hormone.   As humans we are hyper-social creatures.  This hormone helps us navigate a complex world of social relationships by rewarding positive social behavior with feelings of contentment and relaxation.  So what the heck does this have to do with money?

Dr. Paul Zak orchestrated a study which concluded that the “Trust” hormone, Oxytocin, increases a person’s likelihood to trust strangers and give them money.  WHAT?  Yes, give them money!  In the study, participants who were dosed with oxy, were 80% more generous.   People in the oxytocin condition were more trusting of strangers they encountered.

How can you take advantage of the naturally occurring oxytocin and maximize its release in your own body and those of others, including strangers who want to give you money?

Here are the top 4:

Physical touch.  The most potent release of oxytocin is stimulated by physical touch.  Hand shakes, hugs, touching someone’s shoulder, caressing their face, holding hands, snuggling, dance, massage, all appropriate forms of touching.  A touch lasting six seconds or more activates the oxytocin in both the sender and the receiver.  In Dr. Zak’s study he prescribes at least 8 hugs a day to feel happier and more connected.  This in turn builds that trust factor with strangers.  Remember trust equals strangers want to give you money.

Social Media.  Who knew?  Studies have revealed that the use of social media can facilitate the release of oxytocin or even just thinking about someone who loves you or someone you care for is enough to activate the release of oxytocin.  So FB, Twitter, Link In or Pinterest away, but be sure to do it in a heartfelt, loving way.  Your oxytocin will spill over onto the page and strangers will want to give you money.

Happy Faces.  Someone asks you how you are and your response, Fine.  Sometimes don’t you want to say:  If you’re fine you might want to tell your face.  Research has shown that just having a happy face sends a signal to your brain to create more Oxytocin which in turn impacts how you perceive the world.  You begin to recognize appreciative, positive thoughts and experiences you would normally overlook, just by painting a smile on your face.  Smile equals trust and strangers want to give you money.

Prayer or Meditation.  This practice reduces catalysts that produce “cortisol”, the stresser hormone.  While the simple activity reduces anxiety, fear, stress, shyness and negative emotions, it has a double benefit of increasing the frequency of oxytocin.  Without the cortisol, oxytocin is free to provide its maximum benefit.  People trust you more and strangers want to give you money.

A few other fun ways to release oxy:

Introduce yourself to someone new

Make someone smile by being silly

Share a meal

Make music with someone

Go to the movies

Ride a roller coaster

Soak in a hot tub with a friend

Surprise someone with a gift

Pet a dog

Take a hike with a friend

Write a note of thanks to someone

Forgive someone


Go oxy away and see how strangers want to give you money!

Wealth or Money?

Through the ages thousands of objects have been used as a form of exchange. Things like chocolate, rocks, blankets, rice, copper, beads, salt, belts, and even bat guano. Take chocolate for instance, the Mayans used chocolate because of its super health powers and thus it became the food of the Gods and used as money. How did it become a medium of exchange or money?

Let’s fast forward to today’s economy. If you ask an economist they will tell you what money does, not what it is. British economist Sir Ralph Hawtery says: “Money is one of those concepts which, like a teaspoon or an umbrella, but unlike an earthquake or a butter cup, are definable primarily by the use or purpose which they serve.”

The misconception is that money is wealth. In our modern day it has become a device for measuring wealth. Money is an unstable structure in our world being printed on paper which can be increased by our banking system. It actually decreases its value by a process called inflation. So technically having more paper dollars would decrease wealth.

This thing that has an official imprint of the United States or Mexico or Canada or Europe is a piece of paper. Without the imprint, how many would stoop down into a gutter to retrieve it as a dirty piece of paper if someone had simply sharpied the number 100 on its corners. Think of the absurdity of squealing with delight, leaping down and snatching up a dirty piece of paper as a prized possession because it had a magical number on its corners.

So why do we become attached to it? Because it is an enabling symbol. It is a tangible representation of an intangible energy, which allows you to have food, shelter, clothing, entertainment, iPods, computers, TV’s, cars, fast food, Starbucks, cell phones, microwaves, leisure and a sense of security against the desire turned need for these things.

How does money do all this? Certainly you do not build a house out of the paper. You do not plug your TV into the coins that drop into your sofa cushions. You do not eat the checks that you write to pay for the computer or flick the credit card switch to turn your lights on. Money is simply a medium or symbol of energy exchanged that each of us has learned to trust, in very different ways, to give us the credit to have these things.

You take $50 and give it to the gas station, which in turn gives some of it to the grocery store, his children’s school fund raiser, which in turn goes to a farmer somewhere to create food for you and the truck driver who drives it to you who pays taxes to the government which supplies the roads which you drive on. It circulates over and over and goes into this process called the economy. This is huge, global, and controlled by individuals like you over and over and over.

So this thing called money is basically good. Circulating around, creating all the things we say we want to use it for. And yet so many people continue to feel trapped by it, resentful of it in themselves or others, guilty about having it or not having it. Money or what money has created passes in and through your life hundreds of times a day. Just look around. Do you see a computer anywhere near you? Is there furniture, do you have electricity, running water, food in your fridge, a car, an IPad, clothes? Because of the circulation of money, all of this surrounds you. You are constantly, buying, selling, earning or spending. Much more than you ever realize.

So what makes one person angry about money and another squeal with delight? Your thoughts around money. One simple question, do you see money as abundance or lack? What is your language around money? Do you say things like this?

I don’t get paid enough.
How can I live on this measly amount?
I “only have” $50 until the end of the month.
OMG the electric bill is soooo high!

Or is your conversation this?

I always get paid what I’m worth.
I have plenty of money for everything I need.
I have what I need for everything I want.
I love paying my bills and appreciate everything it provides me.

Today just begin to notice your language around money. Money is good. Money is everywhere. Money is an extension of you and whether you have a limited belief mind set or a limitless belief. When you spend money, realize that the more you circulate the more will be circulated back to you.

Try this activity today: Take out one of those pieces of paper imprinted with the country’s insignia. Look at it with the side that has the number identification on it. One, five, 10 it does not matter. Notice how you feel about the limitation of the number. The lack of freedom that is associated with it. Know what you can and cannot do with just that amount one dollar, peso, yen, or euro. It should be very restrictive. Now turn the bill over and focus your attention on the expansiveness of the photo whatever it is. A building, a door, a gateway, In God We Trust. Feel the freedom of the limitlessness. Let your mind open to the possibilities of where that bill has been, where it is going and how it will open up your world. Then put this bill somewhere you can see it everyday as your symbol of the limitless supply that surrounds you.

Are you a Bull, a Bear or a Mermaid?

Bullish or Bearish – these terms describe the upward or downward market trends of the financial market. Simply put the “financial market” is a market in which people and entities trade financial securities, commodities and items of value and reflect “supply and demand”. I remember the years my mood-meter was governed by the Dow Jones Industrial and the Bond Market.

I would get up in the morning and the first thing I would do is take my daily temperature by turning on the financial news on CNBC. On any given day I could be cautiously optimistic, tentative, exhilarated, depressed, or down right paranoid allowing a perception of what the “economy” was doing to pull my strings of how I would feel or act that day

It was a terrible way to live and yet I know that millions of people still live this way every day. The press and politicians are hell bent on sharing their view of the world with the collective “with alarm” in order to predict chaos and instill fear in order to persuade a vote in their favor. Each side will provide economic forecasters to use their own crystal balls to divine this disastrous outcome if this or that does not happen.

The truth is that the welfare of the nation and the world is determined by the attitude of the “people”. Even the economic statistical data system has embraced this idea by a report called “Consumer Confidence Index.” Simply put it is an appraisal of the current conditions by the average citizen reflecting how they “feel” about the current economic climate. Now these are not people who are taking their temperature by turning on CNBC, but average citizens sharing their expectations of where things are going and where they feel their lives are now.

Watching this report is a much more accurate way to predict where the economy is headed. If it’s bullish, meaning people are optimistic about buying and plenty, then the economy is robust. On the other hand, if they are bearish then they will contract in their purchasing power and the economy will slow in momentum. Clearly the wild card for an economist is predicting how 300 million people will “feel” when they wake up tomorrow morning.

Here’s an idea. What if tomorrow everyone woke up and was Mermaid-ish? What if the entire country became aware that the whole economy could turn swiftly if everyone knew there was enough everywhere? I’m not talking about seeing all those material things that keep us stuck in this pattern of “lack”, but rather “feeling” from a consciousness of ever-present substance, which then becomes a magnetic force that draws things to you, but without becoming the object of your life. To embody the essence of a mermaid as unique, individual, purity, grace, magical and elusive, what else would you possibly need?

Consumer confidence would suddenly shoot through the atmosphere and fear, doubt and lack would be replaced with joy, dancing and magical thoughts Of course expecting everyone to come to this realization is probably as likely as seeing a unicorn appear in your living room today, however you can adopt this consciousness individually and see your perception of the economy, both globally and personally begin to shift. Just because it may appear everyone else does not have this mind set, does not mean you cannot.

History has shown over and over that those who “believe” in success create that success. They refuse to focus on what is not working and instead focus on what is working. Those stories abound from Tom’s Shoes, Donald Trump, Zappos, Google, Bill Gates, the insignificant man who concocted the formula for Coca-Cola to you.

True wealth comes from within and seeing a flow from a fountain that may not be apparent from your physical sight, but that is contained in your own conscious thoughts of abundance.

So the next time you turn on your television, just be aware that you are being presented with a skillfully constructed picture of a world of crime, poverty and economic rescission that you may choose to “believe” or create your own “world” of wealth and abundance.

You can choose to be a bear or a bull and follow the crowd or you can step into your uniqueness and be a mermaid. It’s up to you!

Are you the King of the Sea or the Mermaid on this story?

One rainy Sunday afternoon I found myself in charge of 70 or so school age children.  We were in a gymnasium, and I knew that if I didn’t come up with an idea before long – pure chaos would ensue.  At that very moment I remembered a game – an old roll playing game called Wizards, Giants and Goblins.  So I got my charges to calm down (no easy feat, thank you very much), and I explained the rules of the game:

      “Now,” I proclaimed, “if you wish to be a Giant, stand at the front of the room.  If you wish to be a Wizard, stand in the middle.  And those who wish to be Goblins stand toward the back.  All right,  let the play begin.”  I allowed the children several minutes to confer in huddled masses until the action resumed.

      As I was standing there I felt I tug on my coat.  When I looked down, there was a little girl with blue, questioning eyes.       

      ” ‘Scuse me.”

      “Yes, what is it?”

      “Scuse me, but where do the mermaids stand?”

     “Mermaids? Mermaids?” I sputtered.  “There are no mermaids.”

     “Oh, yes there are.  For you see, I’m a mermaid, and I wish to know where to stand.”

      Now here was a little girl who knew exactly what she was – a mermaid, pure and simple and she wanted to know where to stand.  And, she wouldn’t be satisfied standing on the sidelines watching the others play.  She had her place, and she wanted to know where to stand.

      But, where do the mermaids stand? – all those children we try to mold and form to fit into our boxes.

      Sometimes, I have moments of inspiration.  I looked down at that child, and I held her hand -“Why the mermaid shall stand next to The King of the Sea.” (Yeah, King of the Fools would be more likely.)

      So, we stood together – the mermaid and the King of the Sea – as the Wizards, Giants and Goblins roiled by in grand procession.  It isn’t true, by the way, what they say about mermaids not existing.  I know they do for I’ve held one’s hand.

“The Mermaid Story” – a story adapted from Robert Fulghum.

Vitamin P Boosts Money Mojo

There is one thing that if you take it every day, makes you irresistible to hot sexy money.

Let me introduce you to Vitamin P.

Vitamin P – stands for Pleasure. Well actually it stands for “proenkephalin”, but it’s easier to say pleasure. The dictionary defines pleasure as to delight- enjoy – treat- relish . . . When it comes to money, I find so many of my clients are doing the exact opposite they are depressed, critical, fearful, doubtful, sorrowful, unhappy and down right bullied in their money relationship. The best way to repel money is to stay in that bully state of mind.

Enter Vitamin P.

Your relationship to money can be a relationship of harmony or discord. And as in all relationships, it is imperative to pay attention to it in order for it to flourish. When I say pay attention, I don’t mean check on your bank account every 30 minutes. Pay attention like you would with any other relationship.  Think of it this way. Imagine you have a friend who is depressed, sorrowful, unhappy and annoyed every time they are around you. How much time would you like to spend with them? Not much right? Unfortunately this is how many people treat money. The conversations you have might sound like this:

“Because of YOU (money) I can’t play, eat, have fun, enjoy, delight, and/or relish in whatever I want to do”.

“Because of YOU (money) I don’t feel safe in my world, my job, my health or other areas of my life.

“YOU (Money)make me cry or become angry.”

If this were the conversation you were having with a good friend, it would not be long before they would find other friends. When you do have a friend and the relationship is strained, the fist step in healing that relationships is to find value and worth in them where they are now.  The healing begins and the relationship begins to develop in a new way. Money is no different. When you begin to find value and worth in your NOW money relationship, money will bring more money friends!  What a great by-product of Vitamin P. So often you believe that money creates the pleasure, when the reality is pleasure creates the money. Vitamin P is the super-food of financial health.

So how do you dose up with Vitamin P? You start by spending at least 5-10 minutes a day dosing up with Vitamin P. It’s deceptively simple in its chemical make up.

We start with the simple premise that Money is energy and you are a biochemical hub of energy, your levels of pleasure and satisfaction are directly related to your biochemical balance — in lay terms, feeling pleasure creates a sense of feeling worthy, experiencing gratitude and the by product of this energy is money loves it.

With the smallest doses of Vitamin P it becomes easy to look forward to money expansion in new, exciting ways instead of regret and obligation. Who wouldn’t want that?

With daily doses of Vitamin P, you not only activate your money magnetism, you also flip the switch from joy-deficient existence to gratitude, value and worth not only in your own eyes but those of everyone around you.  Everyone wants share their money friends with you.

Simply put, Vitamin P makes everyone feel good.

And when you are feeling good, all your best, most highly-prized values, gifts and attributes rise like cream to the top of your life. You can’t help but be your best self when you are filling those feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine and seratonin. Your pleasure becomes infectious and your money magnetism begins to heat up. The more Vitamin P you infuse into your life, the fuller your bank account becomes. And here’s the best part, as the money infuses, your openness, willingness, helpfulness, humor and delight circulate to bring even more.

Vitamin P changes how you see yourself and how you see others. It changes how you relate to others. And it transforms self-talk about money and how you speak to others in your life about money.

Now, I know you may be experiencing real conflict and suffering in your financial world. Vitamin P is not a silver bullet, we are talking about a relationship here.  You wouldn’t expect a friend you treated this way for years to automatically trust you again.   I’m not suggesting you pretend or ignore the circumstances you find yourself in. What is true is that feelings of depression, anxiety, unhappiness and fear actually work against you.   Vitamin P in small or large doses is the best way to begin experiencing more of them AND the beginning stages of creating the environment of money magnetism. Will you see a million dollars drop into your bank account if you spend one day taking small doses of Vitamin K. Some have. Perhaps you may or may not, but if you continue to consume lots and lots of Vitamin N (negativity) you will certainly never see an increase in that bottom line. Vitamin P changes the tenor of your relating to life from strained to exhilarating. Vitamin P is the thing that makes working on the areas of lack and suffering possible.

Vitamin P is the foundation. It is the ember upon which Hot Sexy money catches fire.

Don’t mistake Vitamin P for Positive Thinking, trickery, pretending. Yuck. It is instead the ability to find small or large pleasure in your existing life. What is fun, exciting, novel or relaxing you can do right now in this moment. Look out the window if you have one and see something that is new or something old you can see in a new way. What is that smell that is so fragrant that you never noticed before? Leave work 30 minutes early. Get a massage, take a walk around a labyrinth, go the park and watch a mother with her children. There are so many ways to trigger Vitamin P, be creative with it.

Vitamin P and Vitamin C (Crap) cannot co-exist.  So take your Vitamin P today!

What Do Being Fat and Money Have in Common?

I used to be fat.  Actually I believed my whole life I was fat.  I wasn’t always fat during that time, but in 2000 I fulfilled my belief and found I was 100 pounds over weight.  My life in a nutshell was miserable.  I would not go places or do things because I was fat, I felt like everyone judged me because I was fat, everything I would wear would remind me I was fat and life pretty much sucked.    Even during the times I “believed” I was fat (and actually wasn’t – I have pictures to prove it), I was on a perpetual diet.  I was either depriving myself or binging.  Neither of those is a theme park to exist in.  The regret from the binging brought on the deprivation of diets and injections and unhappiness, which led to another ride on the spinning tea cup of binging.

What has this got to do with money you ask?  The misery I was in was the same misery my clients who wanted more money would share.  They won’t enjoy events in their lives because it costs too much, they feel like if anyone knew their financial situation they would think less of them, they’re wearing last year’s frocks and are reminded of their financial woes every time they get dressed.  They are always thinking about money, depriving themselves of it or spending where they shouldn’t.

In 2000 I realized that my weight issue was a mental “thang” and not a physical “thang”.  Once I stopped believing I was “fat” learning how to rev up my metabolism and eat those things that were fun and yet supported my body in a healthy way was easy.Not health foods (yuck), but life giving, nourishing my soul mental shifts supported me in a new and healthy way.

As these concepts began to take hold in my life, I also realized that the same principles applied to my money clients.  I was approaching it all wrong with them as well.  I could give them all the tools of how to become wealthy, but they still believed something else.  So I started coaching them on how to think wealthy.   I was using the same concepts as I had finally incorporated in my fatness.  It had been staring me in the face the whole time, I just wasn’t marrying being fat with money magnetism.

Cutting back leads to deprivation.

Just like counting calories and cutting back your food intake will help you lose a little weight, the biggest shift comes when shift your thinking from being “fat” to “being fit”.  You can then rev up your metabolism by moving and overhauling how you think about your weight in the first place.  The same thing applies to money.  Sure you can pinch a few pennies here and there, work a little overtime, but you will always still be counting calories or pennies.  When you transform your thinking from a “poor person” or “I’ll never be rich”, to “I deserve wealth and I know how to do it”,  you rev up your money mojo.  There are lots of way to make money, but if you don’t learn how to “receive” it consistently, you will always believe yourself to be “poor”, “just getting by”, “doing okay” or “kinda wealthy”.

Massive confidence trumps fear.

Just as I had the belief that I was “fat” even though I was not, so too so many of my clients are living a belief of “poor”. They are in fear of losing everything.  They are afraid the market will crash, they will lose their job, worried about retirement, afaid the economy will finally implode, fearful an emergency will devastate them financially and the fear is consuming.  When the fear runs you, the only solution is “massive confidence”.  You can be a poor person with money because of the way you think.  When you realize the rules of the money game your confidence begins to accelerate.  True wealth is knowing you can create money no matter what happens.  If you were to lose everything could you re-create it tomorrow? This is where confidence becomes your master and not your slave.  When it comes to the creating money, that part is simple. It is your confidence that you can do it that is always the issue.  Learning wealth principles and creating more confidence will always bring more money mojo.

Build Money Muscles

Just as in weight loss, the best way to rev up your metabolism is through muscle strength.  Money muscle is the consistency of your thoughts.  The reason the weight loss industry is a billion dollar business is because people are looking for a magic pill.  The magic pill is always within you.  I’m not a great fan of the word discipline because it conjures up pain and misery.  The fact is discipline is simply choosing a new set of beliefs which will support you.  A money muscle is strengthened by exercising it.  A physical muscle is created by stretching, lengthening and then breaking down the old muscle to allow a new one to be formed.  Changing your old money thoughts and patterns may seem like work or you can “reframe” it and know that you are creating a lean, mean money mojo machine.  Should you ever find yourself without money you know how to recreate it.

The inner work of weight loss or money magnetism is the cornerstone.  You can be a fat skinny person or a poor rich person.  It’s all in how you see yourself.

You can begin your metamorphosis right now by changing how you mentally, physically and spiritually feel about money.

Money Mantra for the Day:  I am confident I will be in control of my wealth for the rest of my life.

Turn On the Money Channel

Most people think they need to work harder in order to make more money.  This is the farthest thing from the truth and the best kept secret on the planet.

The truth is that the way to turn on your money channel is to turn off the TV channel.  You will never hear what you need to know from the traditional press.  It’s not their fault, they are only trying to turn on their money channel.  You don’t have to turn the TV on to be able to recognize the model that it uses which is leverage.

Leverage is the best formula to rev up your income.  Once you learn how to leverage your time and energy, money flows easily and effortlessly into your life.

What most people have been taught is to trade time for dollars.  A simple explanation of this concept is being paid by the hour, receiving a salary or working for a specific amount per client or sales transaction.  Whether you receive $10 per hour or $10,000 per transaction, you still are trading a specified amount of your time for a “specified” amount of money.

Leverage is using the same amount of energy (time) to multiply the output (result or return).    Here’s an example.  Let’s say you make $10 an hour performing a task.  You pay 8 other people $8 an hour to perform the task and collect $2 per task.  You have just leveraged your time and made $2 per task 8 times.  Although a simple example of leverage, you can see how the television station is doing this by reaching millions of people through advertising or “bad news” through one hour of time.  This is a great use of leverage.

I can hear the naysayers already who are working for $10 an hour and cannot figure out how to get their boss to pay them to have someone work while they collect the $2 per transaction.

This is where the principle of entrepreneurship comes into play.  As long as you are on a fixed income – which is trading time for dollars for someone else, you will never be able to use the power of leverage.

Tomorrow we will see the power of entrepeneurship is the easiest way to leverage yourself.

Like Nothing Ever Happened

It seems like all my epiphanies happen in the gym these days.  I suspect it’s because my mind is occupied with self-preservation, rather than the ideas proposed by my informal thought committees whose break out sessions are dedicated mostly to:  self-doubt, self-sabotage or self-criticism.  They must take a break when I’m fighting for my next breath and or wiping salty sweat out of my eyes so I can see long enough not to trip or fall face down onto the floor.

This morning after a particularly tortuous Tuesday of punishment and too many grueling minutes of spin, the gorgeous teacher or should I call her dominatrix, said “sit up straight like nothing happened”.   I was swallowed up by her words, “like nothing happened”?   In her version of this suggestion we should not pay any attention to the fact that we had just given the last ounce of energy left in our bodies to twirl our legs so fast they might unscrew off our hips and were completely and utterly out of breath. We should instead bring ourselves back to center breath into the new space of resilience where our bodies know how to recover and to allow that to happen. Open up the channel of the lungs by holding our spines erect to allow that to happen and by the way get ready for the next torture set.

As epiphanies often reveal themselves, a little side bar unfurled next to me.  Three women who are usually thicker than thieves, fit enough to be extras in a work out video, were having a verbal knock down drag out fight.  One of them stormed out and the other two were desperately trying to get the gorgeous teacher to buy into their frenzy.

It was in that moment I wished I had the neuralyzer memory-erasing gadget from Men in Black.  In one fell swoop I could erase the memory of the past few minutes of physical torture as well as the emotional torture which was taking place next to me.   Was the neuralyzer necessary or could we all sit up straight like nothing happened?

I was struck by how this simple idea could save the planet.   Sit up straight like nothing had happened.  It could have easily fit the current situation of breathing through a tough workout, shifting a conflict in a Group X class or change the course of a global conflict.

The good news and bad news of being a conscious being is that we have the ability to think, combine thoughts, process data and make up stories and take action.  What doesn’t serve us are the stories that we create and then hold onto them like they are AESOPs fables to be told over and over and over again, creating our own moral of the story and then rehearsing it ad nauseam.

A friend recently got some news that the terms of her lease on her shop were about to change.  Her reaction was a very common one.  She was angry, resentful, scared reenacted the tale several more times and then began figuring out how to get back at the person or thing causing her the angst.

None of her reaction will make the situation any different or her pain less real if she does not wish it to be so, especially retelling the tale.   The reason she will hold onto the pain is she will hold onto the thoughts of the events and hit that replay button again and again or just leave it on auto pilot.  What would happen is she just neuralyzed the story?

The question is how do we take back the controls?  Forgiveness many will say is a great medicine for this.  Many times I have found myself either in a forgiveness workshop, read a book about it or just tried to engage it.  It is challenging for me and I suspect others when I am still telling the tale of what happened to cause the resentment in the first place.

Could it be that something as simple as sit up straight like nothing happened could be the solution?  It certainly gave me pause this morning as I found myself breathing easier after the words of instruction AND do not have any memory of the fatigue which preceded it this morning.

What a gift from the universe this was in the early morning work out moments.  The gift that we all have our own neuralyzer.  When something pushes your button today or this week, sit up straight like nothing happened.  Stay focused on what happens next.  You might find that nothing actually did happen (except in your mind) and your mind is more powerful than anything to create the next experience.

Oh yeah if you find your inner critic reminding you that it did really happen, you might need a Man in Black.

Cosmic Shift

The words rolled off her tongue and landed in my heart “I could see you being cast as a Hot Female President”.   My heart skipped a beat and the universe seemed to stop revolving momentarily.  The vault tumblers of my heart clicked into place hearing the profound suggestion.  The impact I felt was palpable.  Suddenly access to a bigger dream idea opened and I could feel the cosmic shift.  That shift when you know that everything has realigned in a holy instant and your capacity to see your good is altered in a profound way.  Spontaneously the words blurted from my lips “I just had a Cosmic Shift”.

Waves of cosmic shifts have been crashing on the shore of my life as well as the global human experience for the past several years.  Seeming chaos from a thing called the “economic meltdown” has been interpreted in millions of ways calling each of us to see that our puny efforts to be king of the hill look pretty pathetic.  As the Milky Way terraforms, there is transformation happening on our personal level.

It is a common practice when I teach a self-improvement workshop, that I invite participants to create a Blue Sky list.  Mining deeply to the depths of their soul’s desire, with wild abandonment, edging out their gremlins who stand in line to say “No” each and every day.  They are invited to uncover their wildest fantasies, dreams, desires, bigger than the Milky Way wants.  Even when I have Blue Skied for myself, I always list acting in a Hollywood film.  Today during this Cosmic Shift moment, the dream buried deeply in my heart, became bigger, have been locked away where even I could not see it.  Playing a Hot Female President of the United States?  The expansion of the dream was nothing less than miraculous.  The miracle was simply allowing myself to even consider an idea that huge was unthinkable the moment before.   It was clear, it was specific it was deep and I know it reached deep space.

I know it reached deep space because we live in a world energy.   The simple law of electromagnetism seemed to take over.  I wonder how Nikola Tesla would have explained this wave of energy propelled out into the cosmos and then reverberated back back to my soul.  As I tell this, I’m sure there are many who would label this as “mad”.  He died labeled a “mad scientist” and penniless until we caught up with his theories almost a decade later in 2005 when he was included in the 100 Greatest Americans for his advancements in understanding the power of energy.   It is easy to see that as we shift, there is a domino effect – for the entire planet, yes universe to shift.

Heightened awareness that my small-minded thinking impedes the entire galaxies energetic shift, gave me pause.  Vigilantly, I must elevate, expand and question my thinking.  Keeping the high watch to recognize that media, ideas, politics and the like, recycle the same ideas and schools of thought.  What would our world be like if the Nikola Tesla’s did not challenge the conversation and conventional thinking?  Would we even have 24 hour news channels to recycle the belief system which should test our high resolve every moment?

Without a doubt we are in a spectacular time of change.  Ancient wisdom merges with modern scientific knowledge, exposing the building blocks of life.  It’s all energy.  There is no coincidence that my beloved Playa is the home for the ancient Mayans, such wizards of time that the whole world is referring to their calendar this year.  Should we take that when the calendar runs out we are complete or instead that the Cosmic Shift will be in full swing.  As our Solar System leader “the sun”, displays it’s intense and abnormal fiery and explosive behavior, we cannot but follow suit.

A whole lot of shifting is going on and I for one am thrilled.  I challenge you to be fierce, electric, confident, and create a Cosmic Shift each and every day because the entire Universe is depending on you.  Be courageous and look deep into your heart for that hidden dream, ask a friend to see it with you and let the shift begin.  When you shift we all shift.

You are the Energetic space bubbles that are the mustard seeds of faith in the bigger Cosmic Shift.