All The Real Estate Agents Became Life Coaches

The speaker was clearly following the standard business workshop template.  First he asked who’s in the room, how many of you came from far away, asked a compelling question, (although it was so compelling I cannot recall it), then launched into telling his personal story (which is designed to draw the audience into feeling they are like him – he worked for Tony Robbins, went to New Zealand with his girlfriend and I cannot remember anything else – not like me at all).  I sit there identifying each transition and wondering when the meat of the subject was going to kick in.  Oh this curse of mine, having trained and spoken on stage 1,000 of times, my toastmaster training whispering in the background counting ums and ahs, wondering if there is a gem of information that might land in the next few moments and being disappointed as the minutes tick away.   The speaker has lost my attention and my mind begins to wander.

But oh wait here comes the entertainment, a woman dressed in an almost see through white skirt, crop top, belly showing telling me how to engage with millionaires.  I guess dressing provocatively would do it, but not my idea of my authentic relationship building.   How could it get better from here?  It does.

Ahhh the obligatory engagement exercise where we get to connect with other individuals.  Finally, this is what I came for, to connect with other participants and be of service.    Of course the first person I meet is a “life coach”.  Well, she’s a life, coach, an author, a speaker and of course a “serial” workshop attendee.   I’m sure you’ve met this person; they attend more workshops that actually build their business.   It seems like all the real estate agents hard hit in this recent economic down turn became life coaches and started going to seminars full time.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with being a life coach, it just doesn’t say much of who you are.  It doesn’t set you apart from anyone.  What kind of life coach are you, what is the big result you get for your clients.  Is your answer “I help people through a “transition” in their life? “ So often I hear this or something like it and I want to run screaming out of the room.  Who the hell isn’t going through a transition every minute of every day?    This is what we as humans do, go from transition to transition.  You help what people?  All people?  You help ALL people! Really everyone?   Now if you tell me you coach women who have just had a baby, move through mental blocks to feel their sexiness again and lose 20 pounds in 10 days.  I can feel that, see it and know if you have what I need.

Here’s an idea.  There are lots of business event speakers, lots of real estate agents, lots of life coaches, lots of hair stylists and lots of other professions which attract a specific person who become these things because they believe they “should”.  Maybe they think they can make money doing it, maybe someone told them it would be a good idea, maybe they saw someone do it and said hey I can do that, maybe they just didn’t have anything else to do that day.  It seems that doing something “just because” misses the mark and dilutes the impact you can make on the world.

There is this magic inside you that is dying to get out.  It is the authentic you and it can only show up if you tap into it from your biggest challenge which happens to be your biggest gift.  If you are not tapping into that, you may decide that you want to sell organic soap and have a big down line or you might think becoming a life coach will allow you to help others through a business that draws the same thinking into becoming a real estate agent.  Don’t fool yourself.  You have to give your gift to get the gift of wealth and abundance.

I am over the generic “titles” that people don in order to feel remarkable or marketable.  Marketable is your authentic you.  Your true self.  That thing you do better and more uniquely than anyone on the planet because you are you.

Today, sit with yourself, think of your big wow result you get for people and design a brand around it.  Make it yours.  Stop diminishing yourself by “just” being, a life coach, a real estate agent, a health specialist and shine your light brightly into the world.  Be specific, clear and distinguishable.  Your tribes will thank you, the world will thank you and the authentic you will thank you.

Are You Campaigning Against Money?

As I sat on a panel speaking about mentoring at the Black Woman’s Network in Inglewood, CA,  I was humbled to be the only person that looked like me in the room.   The opening remarks by a young woman, as she shared how proud she was that our First Lady is someone who looks like her gave rise to the song she had written, “She looks like me”.    Diversity and love wash over the room as she sings this song “she looks like me and you”.     My heart cracked open as I was embraced by the magic energy in the room.

Life is a metaphor in every moment if you take that moment to see it.  For this I am always grateful and the metaphor revealing itself in this moment was that of oneness.  It was clear and present.  I was grateful to see the juxtaposition of this moment with those which have been swirling around this current political season, where the object of the exercise seems to be “find the differences rather than the likenesses.

Lots of campaigning these days.  Campaigning around picking leaders, propositions and even debates.  Everywhere you look there is a campaign for something that points out differences and speaks unkindly about others.   As a wealth and abundance trainer it struck that there is a different kind of campaigning going on, not only in this time of choosing leaders, but all the time.

I wanted to share a few of those negative Money campaign slogans:

Money only comes from a J.O.B.
You must work hard to have Money
Someone else needs to be responsible for you having the J.O.B. to have more Money
Money causes stress for your family
Money is the root of all evil (my favorite) when other people have it, so don’t vote for Money
Money will be a sieve
Money is like a roller coaster ride, it will never be stable

These are just a few of the many money campaigns; the question is you get to decide how you want to vote for Money in your life.

The truth about money is simple.  Money is like the song this woman sang “it looks like you”.  In simple language, it’s a measuring stick of value.  It measures the value “you” place on yourself and how much you’re willing to accept.  There is and always has been more than enough for everyone.  It’s only when you believe the campaign slogans that there is a lack of it.  Telling yourself that money can ONLY come from one source, that someone else is responsible for you having it or allowing stress to be a result of it only pushes it away further.

If you want a new campaign slogan for money, one which will bring more of it to you and build an economy that is strong and robust; begin with these three simple campaign promises to yourself:

  1. Every day until the election write five things that are intrinsic not extrinsic values you share with the world.  You are generous, supportive, spontaneous, curious, and conscious.  Extrinsic are things you do, these are things you are.
  2. Every day until the election keep a journal with a receiving column and a giving column.  On the receiving side, keep track of everything that you receive during the day.  Someone buys you a cup of coffee, takes you to your kids soccer game, brings you breakfast in bed, pays you the money they owe you.  Here’s the secret sauce, alongside this receipt of good, give it a dollar value.  How much was that good worth in your life.  Example, my good friend who’s a coach gave me a million dollar piece of business advice – FREE.
  3. On your giving side, write down everything you give of yourself, in time, talent or treasures.  When you buy someone a cup of coffee, give million dollar business advice; console a friend at the gym who just lost their uncle.   Do the same thing with giving as you did with receiving.

I guarantee by Election Day, money, good, abundance and wealth will be knocking down your door.  If you don’t believe me, try it.


Why We Need Obstacles

If your life were a book, and you were the author –
how would you want your story to go?
–Amy Purdy

Have you ever had the experience of questioning whether you can truly live your dream – if you can live beyond the limits of your fears and worries?  If you have ever awaken with these questions, the answer is a resounding YES!

As I was preparing the content for a workshop entitled “Beyond Limits” my best friend Google helped me discover this inspired talk by Amy Purdy:


Will you let your borders and your obstacles:

1.  Stop You In Your Tracks
2.  Force You to Get Creative

I Was Abducted by Aliens Last Night

The words rolled off her tongue “I was abducted by aliens” as if she were sharing her recent trip to the mall.  Keep in mind we were at an event in Los Angeles so all ideas, experiences and beliefs are embraced.  I did find myself questioning my beliefs about such things and intrigued all at the same time.

As the words lingered in my head for the next 24 hours, it struck me that I was more willing to believe in an alien abduction than a “vibrating machine which would give you the same effect as an hour of exercise in 10 minutes”.  An idea floated the very next day by a good friend.

So here’s my question to you, what beliefs about your wealth and abundance keep you stuck where you are?  Is your critical committee spouting off, you’re too short, fat, sweet, mean, old, uneducated, young or something else?  Are you more willing to believe in your limitations than in your greatness?

It’s too friggin’ easy to play small.  Sure, it’s safe, secure, comfortable, in control and more importantly, stagnant.  From the time we are children, we’re encouraged to learn to be safe and protect ourselves from outside influences.  It shows up as, you must go to college so you can get a good job, provide for your family, get involved in kids activities, put money in your 401K for retirement and plan your exit strategy.  Whatever you do, don’t make waves, tone down your incredible genius so as not to make others uncomfortable and use your dimmer switch as much as possible in order that others do not feel dark in your shadow.

The only problem is that this pattern has no room for courage, brilliance, artistic expression, wild abandon, confidence in giving your special gifts, and making lots and lots of money!  You have been programmed to believe that trading your time for a dollar will get you to the end of your life where you will THEN enjoy yourself and relax, spend time with your family and check off the “bucket list”.

I want to share a secret with you, lean in. . . . money loves when you are courageous, creative, giving, life affirming, generous, pushing the edges of your comfort zone and living your life out loud! Money runs from safety.

I have had heard it several times this week, “I have given up caring about money”.  As if this were the spiritual path to acquiescing that you are broke.  It’s not humble, modest and unpretentious to play small with your life and say “I don’t want to focus on money”.  Money is simply an exchange of energy for your value and worth and you ARE worthy of being acknowledged for YOU!

If you are ready to raise your hand to dialing it down, and wind up middle aged treading water and “waiting” for your life to happen, you can stop reading now.  If you are ready step into your greatness and shine your light rather than play small to fit in, here are a few ways to do that:

Tap into Your Confidence – Nothing restores your light like trusting your inner gift to be the unique expression of you to this world.  Confidence is humility on a powerful level.  Sit quietly and listen to that still small voice.  Let it guide you to your gift and give it daily.

Vulnerability is Strength – Your greatest challenges are your greatest gifts.  Exposing your flaws, frailties and foibles allows those you serve to resonate and relate to you.  The perfect tribe you are to serve will show up over and over to experience your truth through your vulnerability.

Your Greatness Gift is Your Nature – Humility is the wisdom to know that your greatness is inherited.  You are the delivery system to shine this gift to the world.  Practicing moving “your bloated nothingness” out of the way, will allow the gift to shine even more brightly.  Neither try to dim or accentuate the light.  The light is perfect the way it is.

Celebrate You – Give yourself permission to celebrate how awesome you are!

So now, check in with yourself and notice where your resistance is.  Do you feel like you would be arrogant or egotistical by doing these things?  Or are you re-energized to be more of who you truly are?

Share your story of your greatness below and shine your light!





The Tale of Two Economies, The Revolution

The great lie is that we are in an economic meltdown.   You can hear whispers of truth everywhere if you just listen.  Because they are whispers, you will have be very quiet and still to hear them.  It is difficult to hear it through the din and noise of the main stream press, the scare tactics of political campaigns and dull roar of water cooler talk.

Here’s what they are whispering.  There are two economies, the big scary global economy and YOUR economy.  One has nothing to do with the other, except that when you bolster your economy the big scary global eco-system becomes less and less powerful and we are fast approaching critical mass,  that tipping point where the giant global economy is as bright and shiny as yours.

If you choose to listen to the noise instead of the whisper of truth, you might find yourself stagnant, suffering, lacking and whining.  Here are some statistics that may have you taking the cotton out of your ears:

  1.  Deloitte Center for Financial Services projects the total number of families with a net worth over a $1 million will double in 2020
  2. The families with net worth of a million that were wiped out from 2006 to 2008 have recovered and the boom is on for the next generation – CNN.
  3. The US has by far more millionaires than any other country in the world – Deloitte.

I could go on with statistics to prove the point.  The real shift is in the increase of entrepreneurship.  This wave of new business owners has flourished during this “economic meltdown” through hook or by crook.  Leading the charge “Women”!

Lynn Parramore, co-founder of Recessionwire, says  “Women trying their hands as entrepreneurs are creating critical jobs for Americans, and we need start-up funds, access to affordable education and training, childcare, and a reliable network of social services.”

Even the Federal Reserve is getting in on the act sharing ideas and beginning the dialogue through the “Small Business and Entrepreneurship During an Economic Recovery” two day forum.

What does this have to do with you if you’ve lost your job, can’t make the mortgage, struggling to find a foot hold financially?  Money has an inner game and an outer game.  Playing the outer game will keep you stuck where you are.  Playing an inner game will allow you to open up to the secrets of your own personal economy and become one of these new entrepreneurs, taking that first step towards adding to the millionaires of 2020.

Step One.  Decide that you are going to stop listening to the noise and being a casualty.  Start listening to your whisper that you have everything you need to create your own business.  All those excuses of I’m not smart enough, tall enough, skinny enough, educated enough are no longer the truth.  Millionaire business range from Cat Pet Psychics (putting your cat on the phone to do a reading)  to Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook (trillions of people connecting through the internet).

Step Two.  Work on your inner money game.  Change your conversation from there is not enough to money is everywhere.  There are trillions of dollars floating out in the “big scary global ecomomy” waiting for you to pick it up.  What are you waiting for?  This is an inside job.  Find the mentor who will show you how to change the conversation.

Step Three.  Do It.  Money loves speed.   Take action today.  What is one small action you can take to begin your journey?  Turn the TV off.  Stop listening to the news.  Focus on new entrepreneurs to see what they are doing.   Develop your vision for your entrepreneur endeavor.  Tell a trustworthy friend you are taking the leap.  Once again find a mentor or a coach who will help you achieve it.  None of this will happen doing it alone.  Take action now!

There is an economic revolution taking place.  Do you want to be part of it or be trampled by it?

Which economic tale do you believe?



Money Excuse

If you want to see more money, riches, abundance and success in your life, you must give up your Excuses to not having it.  Napoleon Hill wrote in his book Think and Grow Rich there are 31 major reasons people fail to become successful. Although this book was written in 1937 the reasons remain basically the same today.  These 31 reasons can be broken down into four areas.    Do you recognize yourself?

Lack of Vision

This is the number one reason people do not see the abundance or success they desire in their life.  Without a clear road map of where you are going, a picture in your mind of what you desire the most in life, rather than what you don’t want, creates fuzziness and lack of clarity.  The result is no ambition, no drive towards the vision, lack of self-discipline, procrastination, trying lots of things and never landing on one, and all this results in mediocrity.  Perhaps you are a good starter and a poor finisher.  You give up at the first sign of defeat.  Your vision will pull you rather than the pain pushing you away from your vision.  There is absolutely nothing more critical to having success, money and happiness to creating a compelling vision.


Blaming your lack of success on outside influences is so easy because it appears to be the reality you live.  I can’t count the number of adults who are living as an 8 year old, blaming their unhappy childhood, not coming from the right family, lack of education, a bad marriage, bad business partners, your health or lack of capital to get started will keep you stuck forever.  No circumstance outside of you can keep you from your vision or your success.  Countless examples abound of incredibly successful people who never went to college, had horrific health challenges, no money to begin with and either came from a bad marriage or business partnership to create wealth and abundance beyond measure. Top three Oprah Winfrey, J.R. Martinez and J. K. Rowling.


Addictions are the most distracting of all the reasons people do not achieve their success.  Addition can come in the form of heroin, television or an I Phone.  If you are distracted by uncontrolled sexual urges, substances, over spending or too much exercise you take your focus off of your vision of success.  Where ever you place the majority of your focused energy will expand.  So take a moment and see where you are placing your attention.  Is it your success or the “bright shiny object”?


When you are sad, depressed, uncooperative, intolerant, untrustworthy, egotistical, or just plain unhappy you repel other people and thereby money and success.  Just thinking positive will not create a change in this mind set.  You must see life through a lense of optimism and creativity.  These feelings cannot live together with negativity and angst.  Finding the good in the everyday experience is the trait of every successful being.

Once you shine a light on your excuse you can begin to see it is not the truth of who you are and dissolve it.  It is only then that wealth and abundance can flow easily into your life.

Ready, set lights on!

Unexpected Income Challenge

It’s simple!

Every morning and evening embrace this statement:

I dwell in the midst of Infinite Abundance.  This Infinite Abundance is my Source and Supply.  The River of Life never stops flowing.  It flows through me into lavish expression.  Good comes to me through unexpected avenues.  I am blessed in countless ways.  I now open my mind to receive my good.  Nothing is too good to be true.  Nothing is too wonderful to happen.  Everything is an amazing gift in my life. I give freely and fearlessly to my life and others and receive back with fabulous increase.  Blessings come in expected and unexpected ways.  Good comes to me in wondrous ways.  I am grateful. And so it is!

First:  Keep track of every gift, kindness, gesture that is money or equivalent to money in the next month.  If someone buys you a cup of coffee, pays for your lunch, you receive a refund check, your mortgage company waives your payment.  Anything and everything that shows up unexpectedly is perfect!

Second:  Create a journal for all of your unexpected income.  As you write down your unexpected gift, give it a dollar value.  For instance, someone buys you a cup of coffee = $5, or friend moves your sofa = $20, your brother helps you fix your computer = $50, refund check from insurance company = $1,000.  You get the idea.  Just keep a running journal.

Third:  Share it on the FB Page and let’s see how much unexpected good we can create in the next month throughout the planet.  You can share the item and the amount or just the item.  Your choice.  You may also comment below to post directly on the FB page.

Post comments


Work – A Life Sentence

Do these statements sound familiar to you?

I have to work hard to get ahead
I have to use the “sweat of my brow” to make money
I am part of the “labor market”
I need to moonlight to meet my monthly obligations
I work to live
It’s a living

I have to save and plan for retirement
I HAVE to go to work today so I can pay my bills

If you have said, thought or felt any of these ways, you have given away your power to anything but “living”.  Think of these comments coming from an inmate at Rikers Island Prison.

Working hard, brow sweating, labor, extra duties HAVE to, planning for release, YUCK!

It’s no wonder you feel frustrated, resentful and tired.  You are also cutting off the creative flow of money energy like kinking a garden hose.  There is no way you will ever change your life from indigence to affluence until you alter these unconscious prison-like thoughts.

As long as your thoughts revolve around I HAVE to go to work to get a paycheck, you will continually create hidden frustrations.  Patterns begin to develop of sloppy work, product and services, fudging on time, taking a mental day off, anything you can get away with to do the minimum to get your time for dollars agreed upon price.

Kahil Gibran says it so beautifully:

“If you cannot work with love but only with distaste, then you should quit your job and go sit at the Temple and beg alms from those who work with joy”

Whether you work a J.O.B. or have your own business the same strategies apply:

Happy People Make More Money – Happiness is a choice.  Even when the rug feels like it has been pulled out from under you, your work life is in a shambles or you are having the melt down de joire, you can succumb to the overwhelm or focus on the good in the situation.  Research has shown that happy people indeed are more prosperous and abundant than unhappy people.  Even if you have little money the happier you are the more likely opportunities show up in the most unexpected ways.  The simple act of gratitude transports you to a place of happiness which in turn leads to the ultimate “prison break-out” from your life sentence of “work”.

Your Cell Mates Dictate Your Release Date – It is a documented fact that you are “who you hang out with”.  “If you hang out with chickens, you’re going to cluck and if you hang out with eagles, you’re going to fly” – Steve Maraboli.  Even in prison you can find eagles.  Surrounding yourself with happy, positive people who share the values and goals you are aiming for will get you to there sooner and with less effort.  Find a mentor who gives you a hand up instead of a hand out to achieve your success and create that wealth and abundance you so richly deserve.    As you “hang out” with others who have this mind set your “life sentence” will be commuted to time served.

Do What You Love – Statistics don’t lie.  Some report as high as 80% of people dislike their jobs!  That’s just crazy!  Do what you love and the money will follow.  If you love doing something you are probably already good at it.  You are being authentic; you wake up in the morning wanting to dive in, your passion fuels you and life is in Technicolor.  This energy is automatically a Money Magnet.   If you were to spend your life in prison, would you rather do what you love or something you hate.  Decide today that no matter what prison you have created for yourself you will find time to do what you love.  You will be surprised to see the money that magnetizes to you as a result.

Are you working for a living or living your dream?

Tonight is the Last Blue Moon till 2015, Don’t let it be your last . . . .

Tonight is the last Blue Moon until 2015? It’s very rare and it’s happening tonight!

Are you ready to be rare and outrageous tonight? Are you ready for a way to reduce stress and create more wealth? You can do that tonight with this Blue Moon. It’s simple, you can do it alone and it doesn’t cost a penny.

A friend of mine just returned from a vacation and was telling me how she howled at the first full moon this month while she was relaxing and playing in the Caribbean.  It was one of those magical moments that causes you to say wow I would like to live  . . . . You may have had a similar experience or felt the call to live in the Rocky Mountains, Alaska, Miami, Australia or the Caribbean after a magical night like this one.  There is a mourning period after a vacation when “real life” settles in and you still have the melancholy of the place you just visited. . . .

For a few days the full moon experience is fresh and accessible.  The mundane everyday tasks and “stuff” still covered in a soft glow of the fading vacation.  Then dun, dun, dun “reality” sets in!!!!  What was tolerable for those few days now becomes the same old, same old, boring, sometimes annoying life. The glow fades and life settles in. Yuck! But what “really” changed? The location? No you’re perspective.

What’s the answer, Permanent Vacation.

Why are you so happy when you’re on vacation? How do you feel? What kinds of fun are you having each day and what kind of things are you attracting?

Don’t let this Blue Moon signify the end of summer and the last time you have a chance to “howl at the Blue Moon” before 2015.

Starting with this Blue Moon, you can decide to be on Permanent Vacation.

Here’s how you start: Pick one thing right now, you would do while on vacation. Go ahead think about it. . . What do you do? (Read a book, relax, stay up late, play with friends, have a glass of wine, hike explore, visit new places, meet new people).

There’s something that we do when we vacation, that’s why we do it. So, think of that one thing that makes you happier than when you are in your “everyday life”. . . or

You can imagine someone were on vacation at your home, how could you share that small thing with them. I BET, you would find the “exact: perfect “fun” thing for them to do. Share your favorite book, take them to the local tourist attraction, let them sleep in late, give them the biggest fluffiest pillows in your house. Now put yourself in this guest spot, after your busy, hectic, stressed filled day, you might see how you can shower yourself with this pampering just as you would an out of town guest. Allow those genuine supportive, giving feelings you have for that guest to be showered on yourself. Maybe you’re bubbly and energetic when you vacation. Be that for yourself. Your surroundings have nothing to do with the energy you project, you do!!!!

See what a different perspective can do???? You can be on Permanent Vacation by just adding fun and pampering to your life. By products include, reduced stress and more money. What, more money. Yes and you’ll have to wait until next week to learn how.

Start from the inside out (it’s all an inside job anyway). When you can flip the switch and see yourself with fun, joy and love, you will totally revolutionize how you feel, and the way others see you.

So, on this last Blue Moon until 2015, ~Contact.FirstName~, choose to be on Permanent Vacation. Make a commitment to pamper yourself with the life you want. See if you can stretch your heart’s desire all the way to that Moon to a new perspective about how that looks, feels, smells. If you were on Vacation this night, looking at that moon, what would your deepest heart’s desire share with you. Now howl it out as loud as you can!

start tonight and let this desire ripple out. . . see how that new exciting adventure starts showing up for you in the days and weeks that follow.

Ultimately when you’re on vacation with your life, your energetic level becomes a magnet attracting all the things you experience on vacation and all the things your heart desires. You deserve it so claim it!

PS: “Whatever you pay attention to, right now, you begin to project. What would a movie version of your thoughts recorded in the last 24 hours look like?
Make Your New Movie “Permanent Vacation”.

Is Money Causing Your Stress?

Most studies agree that the leading cause of stress is . . . . (drum roll), MONEY!  It took the lead position, you guessed it, about 5 years ago and is maintains its Gold Medal status to this date.  No pun intended.

Money stress, is found everywhere, making large purchases (home or car), mounting debt, no job or job lay-off worries, paying for kids education, retirement, health care costs, just not being able to do what you want.

You want to know a secret, shhhhh.. … people who have lots of money still stress over it.  In some cases their stress is higher than those who don’t have enough.  Why you ask?  Their stress comes from where to invest, watching investments rise and fall with the world economies, running businesses and never taking time for themselves or family, they are still in debt just more than the average bear, their retirement’s hopes and dreams have disappeared with their retirement funds.  If worrying about it were not enough, the  numbers are sobering on how stress impacts us when it comes to debt:

*Headaches and migraines (44% with high debt vs 4% with low debt)

*Depression (23% vs. 4%)

*Heart attacks (6% vs. 3%)

*Muscle tension and lower back pains (51% vs. 31%)

*Ulcers and digestive problems (27% vs. 8*)

So what is this “Money stress” and how can you overcome it?

Acknowledge It – Knowing you have money stress and identifying the root of it are two different things.  What exactly is the money issue?  Can’t cover costs, worried about an emergency that hasn’t happened?  Not enough clients?  Your retirement dream was stolen from you? Look at the three elements of the stress:  the cue (when are you thinking of money issues), the negative thought (what exactly is the thought) and the action you take (shut down, smoke a cigarette, watch TV, eat, cranky with others).  Once you identify the ways you are experiencing stress, you can start to take baby steps to change them.

Exercise – Linking “money worries” to your fitness routine seems like a stretch, but it’s the claim New York Times’ writer Charles Duhigg champions in his new book “The Power of Habit”.   It doesn’t cost anything and it actually has been evidenced to improve your finances.  In his book, Duhigg concludes when you “start exercising in the morning”, you stop using your credit card quite as frequently”.  When you start changing one pattern, another similar pattern naturally falls into place.

Connect with The Right Solution – This is so key and critical.  Your inner DJ Critic is likely sharing with you right now:  You don’t need help, you don’t want anyone else to know you are feeling this way, you can tough it out,  life’s hard for everyone right now, don’t worry just stay the course.  All those solutions may work for a while, but the truth is you want to be happy and being alone and isolated with your money relationship will not help it change.   To find a mentor who can model a healthy relationship with money.  To not let self-criticism stop you from getting support.

Take On Your Money Bully – This will change everything!  If your conversation with money goes something like this:  You can’t buy that, there is not enough, I’m going to take your house now, you are not enough, you can’t make this work, give me what you have right now, don’t spend so much, you have to work harder to keep this, stop trying to be something you’re not. . . then you have a Money Bully and it’s time to for a rescue mission.  To defeat a bully you need a hero who will be passionate for you, make positive changes for you, bring awareness to the situation and stand for your power.

Money is everywhere.  You cannot open a channel to receive while you are locked down in stress.  The vault is shut and nothing can flow in easily.  Recognizing that money is everywhere and simply a source of  energy exchange.  Changing your conversation around money will begin to open the receiving channel.  Never say:  “I can’t make more money or I should cut my spending”.  Choose the things you do from a place of power.  Instead affirmations such as “I am smart enough to create more income”, “I am choosing to buy this in order to be a good steward of my money.”

So as you take these small steps towards reducing “money stress”, money will become more and more comfortable being in your presence and want to stay and kick it’s shoes off.